
author Kaye Lynne Booth wears many hats!

Okay, so she’s not actually wearing a hat in this photo!

“Careful, or you’ll end up in [Kaye Lynne Booth’s] novel”!

I recently met author Kaye Lynne Booth–virtually!–and we exchanged interview Q&As about our profession. It’s always fun discovering other authors who immerse themselves in multiple projects related to writing, publishing, and coaching . . . and this gal has done (and is doing) it all!

Check out her responses to my questions! I’ve included links to her books and contact info as well:

Kaye Lynne, please introduce yourself!
Writing is my passion, or maybe obsession is a better word. I’m an author, freelance writer and blogger, and I also do freelance editing. I’ve published articles, short stories and poetry in publications and anthologies, both online and in print, as well as my western novel, Delilah, a time travel short, Last Call, and a paranormal mystery novelette, Hidden Secrets. I hold a dual emphasis M.F.A. degree in Creative Writing and I’m currently seeking a bachelor’s degree in Marketing. I keep up to my course work, hold down a day job, manage my Writing to be Read blog, and still find time to work on at least three WIPs. Somewhere in there, I even have a personal life, in which I enjoy camping, hiking, dirt bike and ATV riding, fishing, gold panning, bird watching, gardening and enjoying the great outdoors.

Writing is your “obsession”! Tell me about the first thing you remember writing.
The very first thing that I recall writing was Haiku in the fourth grade. From that point on I think I felt awe for the written word.

Was there a teacher/mentor who encouraged you?
I always had friends and family who were supportive of my writing. I the M.F.A. program, although all the instructors were top-notch, there was one who was always encouraging and helpful when he could be, and that would be Dr. Mark Todd. Not only was he supportive as I went through the program, but he was supportive of my writing outside of the course, and later was instrumental in my getting a temporary position at Western, teaching English. He has interviewed on my blog, and I’ve reviewed several of his books. He sort of transitioned from teacher/mentor to colleague to friend. It’s always nice to know he’s there for me.

Where do you go to find your inspiration?
I find inspiration just about anywhere. Sometimes, I find it in unexpected places, like sitting on a boulder watching the water flow from the dam near my home, in a collection of strange medical conditions, in movies and television shows, in birdwatching, in a news story… just about anywhere!

Your novel “Delilah: A Frontier Romance” is nitty and gritty and brings readers to Leadville. What gave you the idea to write this alternate history and why Leadville rather than any other mining town?
Ask Delilah. She was leading that party. Lol. She followed the trail of the two varmints that brutalized her and kidnapped the young girl, Sarah, who had been given to her care. Leadville has some colorful characters in its history and I used that to my advantage with Delilah. There are appearances by H.W. Tabor, Baby Doe, and even mention of Doc Holiday.

What was your biggest challenge in writing “Delilah” and were any of your characters/events based on real people/events?
I think one of the biggest challenges of writing western, or any other historical fiction, is making sure that items and events are true to the time period. There are a lot of western readers out there who know their stuff, and if you put a gun in your characters hand that hadn’t been made at the time, and I guarantee you that your readers will know, and they will let you know, too.

Also, when you are fictionalizing historical characters, it is often necessary to sort through a lot of conflicting information, because many historical characters have been fictionalized and blown up bigger than life, like the dime store novels about Billy the Kid, or the many versions of the shoot-out at the O.K. Corral. That one is funny, because the shoot-out didn’t actually occur at the O.K. Corral, but in the vacant lot between the corral and Fly’s Photography Studio, and it really depends on which side of the conflict the source of the story supports. Even today there are still proponents of the Earps and backers for the Clantons and McClourys, and the various versions of the story are colored accordingly. Most of my historical characters haven’t been so controversial, but there are always stories where the facts differ, and it’s the author’s job to sort it all out and portray the characters as true to the actual people as possible.

A lot of the story events in Delilah play around the grand opening of the Tabor Opera House. With the setting I tried to stay true to Leadville’s history, and many of the buildings really existed. Some still do today. It was a rowdy town, “The town that never sleeps”, with a rough element, and they had a tough time keeping Marshalls. I played off of that general atmosphere when staging fictional events, but I also included historical events that actually happened, like the hanging the night before the grand opening, although Delilah wasn’t really there.

What will Delilah do next?
I’m currently working on the sequel, “The Homecoming,” in which Delilah ends up back in San Luis, where she still has her family’s ranch, or what’s left of it. But, it’s another man hunt that leads her there, and things don’t always turn out the way we expect them to, and this homecoming is full of surprises.

Tell me about your recent award!
I was given a Motivational Strips Award of Excellence for my contributions, through my blog, Writing to be Read, to the world literary community. I do author interviews and book reviews to promote my fellow authors, and publish content that is of interest to the literary world. This award gave me an epiphany, because it made me realize that I have global influence.

Something else that recently came up that I’m pretty proud of is that I was asked to be a judge of the Western Romance category for the Western Spur Awards, by Western Writers of America. I’m honored to be offered the task. Plus I’ll get to read some great westerns. ?

How have you evolved as an author?
Slowly. The first thing I ever sold was a poem, in 1996, for $5. I wrote poetry and short stories, until in 2010, I started my blog, Writing to be Read. Inexperience held me back, as I didn’t know how to find publications to submit to or how to grow a following for my blog, so I wrote articles for content mills and became the Southern Colorado Literature Examiner for, writing book reviews and author profiles, and covering literary events. It didn’t really pay, but I met other authors and made connections.

In 2012, I enrolled in the Creative Writing M.F.A. program at Western State, and that was probably the best thing I ever did for myself. Through the M.F.A. program, I learned how to write longer, novel length works and I learned about the business of writing, publishers, agents, contracts, and to an extent, marketing. These were the skills I was lacking, and I emerged from the program with not one, but two manuscripts to peddle to publishers. I began submitting and got a few short stories and poems published, and a year and a half after I graduated, I found Dusty Saddle Publishing for Delilah.

But, something else happened as well during that time. I discovered some things that I hadn’t known about myself. I discovered that I like to write westerns and I’m pretty good at it. My first published novel was a western. Delilah sprang from my very first assignment, to write an excerpt in a genre outside of any I’d written in previously. I also discovered that I liked screenwriting. So much so, that I stayed enrolled an extra year to earn a dual emphasis in screenwriting, as well as my emphasis in genre fiction. I came away with a new appreciation for well-crafted writing, which I know affects my book reviews, as well as my own works.

Today, I have a published novel, and a science fantasy novel, which was my thesis project, that is near ready for publication. I also have a science fiction time travel short, Last Call, and a paranormal mystery novella, Hidden Secrets. I have numerous WIPs in various stages of creation, including a non-fiction book, which will one day be a memoir, two anthologies, and The Homecoming, the sequel to Delilah. It seems I’m always writing something. Even when I’m not in front of my laptop, I’m thinking about writing. As I think I’ve said, I’m obsessed.

What other genres have you published, and do you have a favorite? Is there an “easy” genre for you?
I’ve published a western novel (Delilah), a paranormal mystery novelette (Hidden Secrets), and a science fiction time travel short story, (Last Call) in the book realm. I’ve also had several short stories published in ezines and an anthologies, in several genres, including dystopian, western, and a strange combination of crime fiction and romance.

But I’ve also played around with other genres. My WIPs and as yet unpublished works include a science fantasy series (Playground for the Gods), memoir (Losing Michael: Teen Suicide and a Mother’s Grief), and western (Delilah: The Homecoming), as well as two paranormal short stories which will be published in the first anthology by WordCrafter Press (Whispers of the Past). I’ve got a whole library of short fiction that hasn’t found a publishing home yet, including a couple of vampire stories, and a twisted fairy tale, as well as a children’s book series, and also a couple of screenplays. I have fun with everything I write, but so far, western is probably my favorite. It’s the genre that seems to come most naturally to me.

Your author platform is expanding! What services do you offer other writers?
Yes, I am launching WordCrafter, even though I still can’t get the website up right. There will be five enterprises under the trade name: WordCrafter Press, WordCrafter Copywriting, WordCrafter Online Courses, Write it Right Editing Services and Writing to be Read. The editing and the blog already existed, but will fall under the WordCrafter umbrella. I’m excited to be expanding my horizons and being able to offer services to my fellow authors.

What writing goals do you have for this year . . . and for the next 5 years?
Before this year is out, I hope to have two anthologies published through WordCrafter, the paranormal one and an anthology of interviews compiled from my 2018 blog series, “Ask the Authors,” as well as the first book in my Playground for the Gods series, The Great Primordial Battle. I was hoping to have the second book in my western saga out, but recently, my publisher agreed to re-issue Delilah after I received feedback that there were several typos in the book, so I’m going to give it another edit, at some material to the front of the book, including a foreword supplied by the publisher, so that will undoubtedly delay the completion of the second book. Beyond that, I hope to see WordCrafter come together, I hope to be able to keep growing my reader following for both my books and my blog, I hope to one day sell one of my screenplays, and I pray I can do all of this and still keep my sanity.

Do you have any advice for writers who have not yet published?
Write the best piece of writing you are capable of, then edit and revise for as long as it takes to polish it until it sparkles. In book marketing, the book is the product, and you can have an outstanding cover made to sell the product, but if the writing inside is of poor quality, your book is not going to sell. This culture demands quality goods, and readers are no exception. There is no substitution for a well-written, well-crafted story.

Also, learn about book marketing and promotion, because in the world of publishing today, the author has to be able to do it all.

Would you like to give any shout-outs to people who have helped you along the way?
Absolutely. I’ve had many friends and family who supported me in my writing endeavors through the years, including my husband, Greg; my mother-in-law, Kinzi; my friend Linda; and my old boss, Sharon. And of course, my online writing family which keeps growing all the time: Robin Conley, who has to be the world’s best editor and beta reader; Dan Alatorre, who is always full of great ideas for my next writing project; DL Mullen of Sonoran Dawn Studios, who has helped me with covers and marketing; Art Rosch, who has encouraged me through the years and always knows the right thing to say, as well as making monthly contributions to my blog; and the other members of my blog team, Robbie Cheadle, Jeff Bowles and Jordan Elizabeth; and all of the authors who put up with all my interview questions and helped to make my blog what it is today. I couldn’t do it without them. ;)

How do people contact you?
I love hearing from readers! Unfortunately, I don’t hear from them as often as I’d like. They can leave a comment on Writing to be Read, drop me an email at or message me on social media. I’ve got four Facebook pages, and I’m on LinkedIn, Twitter and Pinterest. I also have Author Pages on both Amazon and Goodreads.

Thank you, Kaye Lynne! Now you need to send me a photo of you wearing one of your “hats”!


Alligator Preserves Episode 60: Romance, Mystery, and the afterlife with author minette lauren!

A typical stroll around the house with Minette Lauren!
Our YouTube visit!
Audio of my visit with author Minette Lauren

Show Notes with Links

  • Minette Lauren introduces herself and her menagerie!
  • She describes her inspiration for Race for the Sun: The Soul Watcher Series Book One
  • More than your standard steamy romance, Race for the Sun offers depth on topics of the soul, reincarnation, and the afterlife. Minette’s writing is often lyrical.
Her audience LOVES when she sings!
  • We talk about the brain and the masculine/feminine spectrum.
  • Minette talks about the “rules” she had to create for her main character, Soledad (who is a spirit, a “soul watcher”).
  • Playing with names in the novel and Minette’s personal activities…riding her Harley, skiing, but not painting!
  • She talks about which character(s) she relates to most.
  • The poignant breakdown scene and how incidents in Minette’s personal life informed her narrative.
  • We discuss social media and the challenges of keeping up with our “author platforms.”
  • Questions of identity and the “mother voice” and more ways Race for the Sun stands out from typical romance novels.
  • Minette reads a passage (but first talks about a 1st grade teacher who wasn’t helpful in the read-aloud department!)
  • We jump to Sins of the Sister, a killer-thriller novel Minette co-wrote with friend Zoe Tasia under the pen name Zari Reede.
Zoe and Minette, a.k.a. “Zari Reede,” celebrate the publication of “Sins of the Sister”
  • How does co-writing work? Who does what? Rules of co-writing.
  • The inspiration for this twin/serial killer novel.
  • What’s next? Shout-outs and how to find Minette:


Twitter: Facebook:

Barnes and Noble:
Instagram: @MinetteLaurenAuthor.  @ZariReede

Find Minette Lauren on social media and let her know what you think of her writing!

If you enjoy my podcasts, you might enjoy my books!

Please help keep me, Laurel McHargue, host of Alligator Preserves, on the road by becoming a patron! It’s easy-peasy to do! Check out how HERE!
“Please and thank you”~Ron Swanson

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Alligator Preserves Episode 59: poetry is not scary with poet judy cole

Poet and friend Judy Cole (right) visits me and shares her work and thoughts about this genre

Poet Judy Cole visits with me and shares her poems and the story of her evolution as a writer. Judy and I talk about some poetic forms, but not 100 of them! And have you heard of “flarf poetry”? Perhaps it was inspired by Gertrude Stein!

_Show Notes with Links:

– We talk about Associate Professor Jeff Runyon’s poetry and creative writing classes at CMC
– Dr. Seuss and early adventures with poetry
– My constant challenge to convince Judy she IS a poet!
Chaffee County Writers Exchange inspiration
– My interview with song lyricist and author Keith Steinbaum
– Judy’s reads her birthday poem to her husband
– Fishing and the little red schoolhouse in Leadville
– Accidental dactylic pentameter
– Poetry as a puzzle
– Judy reads her “randy” poem “Still Crazy After All These Years”
– Judy finally admits she’s a poet!!!!!
– Judy reads “Nature’s Currency”
– We talk about other forms of expression
– Judy reads a political poem, “Mirror Mirror” and we discuss Disney
– Judy reads a poem dedicated to her girlfriends and we talk about the passage of time
– Shout-out to Becky Young, youth programs coordinator at Lake County Public Library, and discussion about her poetry night and “nonsense” poems
– Judy reads “Soft Kitty, Warm Kitty,” and makes me cry again
– She discusses a clever way of naming pets
– Homage to Anne McCaffrey
– and to The Big Bang Theory
Flarf poetry and Gertrude Stein and listening versus reading poetry
– Shaking up expectations
– Judy reads “Life’s Little Choices” and we discuss creating her first book
– Judy reads a fun poem with no title about dandelions and we wonder why there are so many haters, and I share my May Bee haiku

– Want more info and inspiration for Haiku? Check out these two books:
Haikus Can Amuse: 366 Haiku Starters
Hai CLASS ku: Classroom Warm-ups

If you enjoy my podcasts, you might enjoy my books!

Please help keep me, Laurel McHargue, host of Alligator Preserves, on the road by becoming a patron! It’s easy-peasy to do! Check out how HERE!
“Please and thank you”~Ron Swanson

If you enjoyed this episode and others, please subscribe to Alligator Preserves on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts, and tell your friends about it! I’d love it if you “liked” the episodes you listen to, and I’d love it even more if you’d post a quick comment!

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Alligator Preserves Episode 58: “You Say Goodbye” with author Keith Steinbaum

Author Keith Steinbaum

Author Keith Steinbaum discusses his latest novel You Say Goodbye–a Beatles-inspired murder mystery–and his first novel, The Poe Consequence, which will be re-released in March 2020. Keith and I discuss inspiration and the amazing child whose efforts launched Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation for childhood cancer research.

Visit with us on YouTube Here:

Listen to the Audio Here:

Show Notes with Links:

  • Author Keith Steinbaum introduces himself
  • Keith Steinbaum’s Beatles-inspired murder mystery “You Say Goodbye”

    Keith and I talk about the story within a story in his Beatles-inspired murder mystery You Say Goodbye

  • Keith discusses how he found his inspiration for the character counterbalance (KayLeigh) for the main character (Sean), and the tragedy that launched a foundation to support children’s cancer research: Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation
  • Please watch the video in the link to Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation and consider donating to this cause (my request)
  • “Meat on the bones” writing turned a short story into this novel (read more in his TheWriteWayCafe interview)
  • We talk about writing without a money goal
  • The idea behind Mel Gibson’s movie “Signs” sparked an idea Keith already had in his head (“The film itself certainly wasn’t all that memorable,”) and I challenge him to put a feeling that overcame him into words (he does so beautifully, I might add)
  • Keith is motivated by the weightier side of life, and poetry was his outlet
  • “You Say Goodbye” was created only on Sundays (find out why)
  • We talk about serial killer and the PRESS, and I ask if Keith knew whodunnit from the beginning
  • Keith talks about using his own lyrics, and reads a passage from his novel

Let’s see…do I download the audio version (quite good!) or pay over $600 for a paperback…or wait for the re-release?!

  • We briefly discuss his first novel, The Poe Consequence, which will be re-released in March 2020 (it’s available now in audiobook, and you could order a paperback copy for anywhere from $349-$627  if you can’t wait for the re-release, but  I don’t believe you’ll get a Rolex watch with it!)
  • Here’s a trailer for “The Poe Consequence”: Trailer
  • Keith talks about his experience with the Hispanic community

    Keith Steinbaum

    and jokingly commented that he was never in an East L.A. gang

  • We discuss Edgar Allan Poe and tarot cards
  • Shout-outs
  • Black Opal Books
  • Contact Keith: website
  • His favorite preserves? Listen and learn!

If you enjoy my podcasts, you might enjoy my books!

Please help keep me, Laurel McHargue, host of Alligator Preserves, on the road by becoming a patron! It’s easy-peasy to do! Check out how HERE!
“Please and thank you”~Ron Swanson

If you enjoyed this episode and others, please subscribe to Alligator Preserves on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts, and tell your friends about it! I’d love it if you “liked” the episodes you listen to, and I’d love it even more if you’d post a quick comment!

Please support Alligator Preserves on Patreon.  You will be rewarded!


Alligator Preserves Episode 57: “Murder in the One Percent”

Author Saralyn Richard

Award-winning author Saralyn Richard talks with me about her writing process and her novel–Murder In The One Percent–a page-turning, often humorous murder mystery.

The murder takes place where one would not expect it to, and the story abounds in red herrings!

Visit with us on YouTube Here:

Listen to the Audio Here:

Show Notes with Links:

  • Saralyn (pronounced like Marilyn) introduces herself
  • Naughty Nana is inspired by the antics of Saralyn’s family sheepdog

    She has also written a fun children’s book called Naughty Nana, based on the antics of her family sheepdog

  • We talk about various reader reactions to her one percenter murder mystery
  • She talks about how she keeps track of all the potential killers
  • An actual dinner party inspired this murder mystery
  • She discusses how she came to the whodunnit decision…
  • And the need to write in 3rd person omniscient
  • We discuss character development and inspiration for different characters and character naming conventions
  • Saralyn reads a passage from Murder in the One Percent
  • Murder in the One Percent

    We talk about when the character dies, and how, and the horrifying “naturally occurring” poison palytoxin, which is not yet in the book Deadly Doses: A Writer’s Guide to Poisons

  • She discusses how she used “what if” thinking when writing…
  • And surprises that happen along the way
  • Dealing with criticism (not all constructive)
  • Saralyn offers advice to aspiring murder mystery writers
  • Her next book–A Palette for Love and Murder–out next year
  • Shout-outs
  • Saralyn’s website
  • Saralyn’s preferred preserves? Apricot!

If you enjoy my podcasts, you might enjoy my books!

Please help keep me, Laurel McHargue, host of Alligator Preserves, on the road by becoming a patron! It’s easy-peasy to do! Check out how HERE!
“Please and thank you”~Ron Swanson

If you enjoyed this episode and others, please subscribe to Alligator Preserves on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts, and tell your friends about it! I’d love it if you “liked” the episodes you listen to, and I’d love it even more if you’d post a quick comment!

Please support Alligator Preserves on Patreon.  You will be rewarded!



Alligator Preserves Episode 56: Ouray 100 Cheers and Tears

Ouray 100 Ultra Race participants: Nick McHargue (pacer), Mike McHargue (completed 58.8 miles), Mike Lamond (completed 102.1 miles in 48 hours), Erich Kraft (pacer)

As race crew for my husband during the 2017 Ouray 100 Endurance Race in 2017, I bemoan my discomfort in the cold rain, then chastise myself when I witness the brutal conditions the racers endure.

Listen Here:

Show Notes with Links:

If you enjoy my podcasts, you might enjoy my books!

Please help keep me, Laurel McHargue, host of Alligator Preserves, on the road! Would you treat me to a monthly cuppa tea? And by that, I mean please become a patron!
“Please and thank you”~Ron Swanson

If you enjoyed this episode and others, please subscribe to Alligator Preserves on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts, and tell your friends about it! I’d love it if you “liked” the episodes you listen to, and I’d love it even more if you’d post a quick comment!

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Strack Press Presents “Warm Springs” by Michael Kilman

Author and anthropologist Michael Kilman

Strack Press Presents “Warm Springs” by Michael Kilman–anthropologist and author of the Science Fiction series “The Chronicles of the Great Migration.”

Kilman lectures at the University of Colorado at Denver and works on his YouTube series “Anthropology in 10 or Less.

In this episode, I narrate Kilman’s horror short story! Contact me at for information on having me narrate your short story, or for an interview.

Listen Here:

Find Michael Kilman’s books on Amazon!

If you enjoy my podcasts, you might enjoy my books!

Please help keep me, Laurel McHargue, host of Alligator Preserves, on the road! Would you treat me to a monthly cuppa tea? And by that, I mean please become a patron!
“Please and thank you”~Ron Swanson

If you enjoyed this episode and others, please subscribe to Alligator Preserves on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts, and tell your friends about it! I’d love it if you “liked” the episodes you listen to, and I’d love it even more if you’d post a quick comment!

Please support Alligator Preserves on Patreon.  You will be rewarded!


Alligator Preserves Episode 54: Nipples–Flatten or Flaunt?

In this episode I share my experience competing in the Turquoise Lake Half-Marathon several years ago after lots and lots of “tapering”!

Listen Here:

Show Notes with Links:

If you enjoy my podcasts, you might enjoy my books!

Please help keep me, Laurel McHargue, host of Alligator Preserves, on the road! Would you treat me to a monthly cuppa tea? And by that, I mean please become a patron!
“Please and thank you”~Ron Swanson

If you enjoyed this episode and others, please subscribe to Alligator Preserves on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts, and tell your friends about it! I’d love it if you “liked” the episodes you listen to, and I’d love it even more if you’d post a quick comment!

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Alligator Preserves Episode 53: “West Point Woman” by Sara Potecha

Sara Potecha, author of West Point Woman: How Character is Created and Leadership is Learned, visits with me on the Alligator Preserves podcast. Sara and I have many things in common, including our graduation from West Point in 1983 with the 4th class to include women!

We share West Point stories and discuss Sara’s self-help book on leadership with advice applicable to every workplace.

Watch on YouTube Here:

“Audio Only” on Alligator Preserves Here:

Show Notes with Links:

  • Why go to West Point? We discuss our reasons and give shout-outs to cadets who made a difference in our lives.
  • “Plebe poop” and Bugle Notes (a cadet’s “bible”).
  • On being an enigma in our own families and overcoming ignorance about the military.
  • Day 1 civilian to soldier, English teachers who made us suffer, thoughts of quitting, and wonderful mentors.
  • Being actors in different roles, and issues with upper-class women.
  • Fear and Airborne School.

    Sara’s “Beast Barracks” Platoon (Sara is far left, first row)
  • Universal principles and tools to navigate the workplace.
  • Sharing stories with our children and why Sara ultimately wrote this book on character and leadership.
  • Teaching integrity, and the “no excuse” response.
  • Encouragement from classmates (but not all).
  • Humility, leadership, and Sara’s greatest challenge: suddenly becoming a single mother when the father of her three daughters died in a tragic accident.
  • Possible follow-on book with soldier-mother stories.
  • Gail O’Sullivan’s book Tough as Nails: One Woman’s Journey Through West Point
  • Shout-outs to Sara’s daughters: Larisa (Gaba) Barclay, Gwenyth Gaba-Thome  and Joye Gaba, and her husband, Reed Potecha; our classmate MG Ray Royalty; her West Point mentor: BG Barney Forsythe, PhD; and her book coach, Cathy Fyock.
  • Sara’s website:

    Sara on Graduation Day, May 25, 1983
  • Facebook | Instagram
  • National Speakers Assocation:
  • Wounded Warrior Project
  • Families of the Wounded Fund
  • Active Heroes

If you enjoy my podcasts, you might enjoy my books!

Please help keep me, Laurel McHargue, host of Alligator Preserves, on the road! Would you treat me to a monthly cuppa tea? And by that, I mean please become a patron!
“Please and thank you”~Ron Swanson

If you enjoyed this episode and others, please subscribe to Alligator Preserves on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts, and tell your friends about it! I’d love it if you “liked” the episodes you listen to, and I’d love it even more if you’d post a quick comment!

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Alligator Preserves Episode 52: “The Author Inside You” Podcast

I was recently honored with an interview by Leah and Matt Rafferty, hosts of the weekly podcast “The Author Inside You.” We talk about books and inspiration and publishing and marketing and how to have a great book launch party!

Listen Here:

If you enjoy my podcasts, you might enjoy my books!

Please help keep me, Laurel McHargue, host of Alligator Preserves, on the road! Would you treat me to a monthly cuppa tea? And by that, I mean please become a patron!
“Please and thank you”~Ron Swanson

If you enjoyed this episode and others, please subscribe to Alligator Preserves on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts, and tell your friends about it! I’d love it if you “liked” the episodes you listen to, and I’d love it even more if you’d post a quick comment!

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