Books Laurel on Life Writing

Peace by Piece:

10 Lessons from a Jigsaw Puzzle!

Nadine Collier, book co-author, and her daughter, Sarah Collier, our cover designer!

My Michigan best friend and her daughter, Sarah, spent the past week with me finalizing our new book: Peace by Piece: 10 Lessons from a Jigsaw Puzzle!

We hope you will enjoy this “lite” life lessons book! It’s based on my experience completing my very first monster jigsaw puzzle, and every chapter ends with reflections from Nadine based on her years of experience as a licensed professional counselor! There’s something for everyone in this book, and you don’t need to be a puzzler to enjoy it!

Pre-order the e-version today! Both e-version and paperback will be available by Labor Day, so stay tuned for updates!

This is the puzzle that started the discussion about writing a book! It’s a CEACO brand 2,000-piece monster called “Coastal Escape,” and it proved to be a worthy challenge!

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Books Laurel on Life Podcast

In Flight!

Wish I had wings!

My ducks have discovered their wings!
Listen to my latest COVID and Khaki Campbell Duck update!
The girls are still working on sticking their landings!

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Books Writing


— a new microfiction story for my next DARK EBB: GRIM TALES collection!

Faced with an unbearable situation, a daughter must make a decision.
  • This is a 100-word (microfiction) short story! Please let me know what you think.
  • Find other short stories of horror, intrigue, aliens, and bizarre elements in my book DARK EBB: GRIM TALES
  • I’d love it if you’d leave a short review! Please let other readers know what you liked!

If you enjoy my podcast episodes, you might enjoy my books!

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Books Podcast Writing

Meet Adam Ross!

A Positive Man Doing Great Things for his Community!

Author, entrepreneur, Star Wars fan, coffee lover Adam Ross!
Visit with us on YouTube!
“Just audio” here!

Show Notes with Links

We agree on some favorite TV shows!
  • Adam Ross agreed to be my first COVID-19 interviewee!
  • We discuss coffee–and different strokes for different folks!
  • Adam’s online shop: RosscoLorenzo
  • Adam’s entrepreneurial venture, including event planning for authors: RL Productions
  • We discuss the importance of having a positive attitude, particularly during troubling times
  • We talk about how many unique ideas exist in the universe and how every…single…person has their own voice!
  • We talk about NaNoWriMo and other motivational writing platforms
  • What has been Adam’s most difficult transition during the COVID-19 pandemic?
  • Lots of shout-outs to local business owners in Parker, CO who have helped him get established, and laugh about the hair dresser (because, well, as you can see in his profile photo…!) Specifically, Lynne Hurlburt of Parker Hair Xpress and Susan Bertolicchi of Kilwin’s Parker
  • I ask how his job as a paper salesman at Dunder Mifflin has interfered with his day job!
  • Find Adam across social media platforms by searching on RosscoLorenzo!

If you enjoy my podcast episodes, you might enjoy my books!

If you enjoyed this episode and others, please subscribe to Alligator Preserves on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts, and tell your friends about it! I’d love it if you “liked” the episodes you listen to, and I’d love it even more if you’d post a quick comment!

Laurel on Life

And Now, for Something Completely Different…

5 little Khaki Campbell Ducklings!
70 little videos of 5 little ducklings…and counting!

Some may say I’ve lost my marbles, but in the process, I’ve gained five tiny Khaki Campbell peepers! I recently decided that since I won’t be traveling for the far-foreseeable future, I might as well embrace the idea of creating a homestead on our new property.

I ordered five female Khaki Campbells from Murray McMurray Hatchery for eggs and entertainment, and I’ve learned soooo much already about how to raise happy, healthy ducks. Now I’d like to share what I’ve learned and continue to learn with you!

Please SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube playlist How to Raise Happy, Healthy Ducks! COVID Duck Chronicles to get a daily dose of ducklings, and ask me questions (or leave comments) as we go!

Thanks for visiting, and remember to wash your hands (both because of coronavirus and after handling birds!) Oh, and I’ll still be creating new episodes on my podcast Alligator Preserves, so stay in touch and subscribe!

Stay safe!


If you enjoy my podcast episodes, you might enjoy my books!

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Laurel on Life Podcast

My Bizarre and Beautiful Visit

With friends breaking quarantine!

Khaki Campbell duckling image from:
Five of these little gals will arrive in the mail next week!
Listen here for more mental health wellness tips and an unusual quarantine-breaking visit!

Show Notes

  • More mental health wellness tips during quarantine from Dr. Donlon
  • Mental and physical preparation I did before my friends arrived from Leadville
  • Discussion and laughter about living under social distancing restraints and with face masks
  • Things we take for granted
  • Choices we can make!
  • Link to my latest newsletter: How Are You All Doing Out There?

If you enjoy my podcast episodes, you might enjoy my books!

If you enjoyed this episode and others, please subscribe to Alligator Preserves on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts, and tell your friends about it! I’d love it if you “liked” the episodes you listen to, and I’d love it even more if you’d post a quick comment!

Laurel on Life


You know you like it!

Yup! I did it! I submitted my first Buzzfeed post and it was really fun! Check it out here and tell me what you think!

Popcorn–It’s What’s for Dinner (or Lunch, or Breakfast)!

Dinner for two!
Mmmmmm! Smell the aroma of fresh, hot popcorn!
Laurel on Life Podcast

Q Diaries 35: Cinco de Mayo and Fractured Ankles

Sounds like a party, am I right?

Happy (?) Cinco de Mayo!
It’s just a lateral avulsion fracture of the malleolus!

Show Notes

  • I discuss why I’m clearly not yet a pro at walking, although I’ve been practicing this specific ‘sport’ for 60 years!
  • Props and sincere thanks to the entire ER staff at HRRMC! Thank you!
  • I talk about Cinco de Mayo parties with hopes that with life in the grip of a global pandemic, people will stop finding things to be offended about.
  • More mental heath wellness tips and confession about my own OCD tics.
  • Not sure where those Cinco de Mayo photos are…perhaps in the attic of our Leadville house!

If you enjoy my podcast episodes, you might enjoy my books!

If you enjoyed this episode and others, please subscribe to Alligator Preserves on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts, and tell your friends about it! I’d love it if you “liked” the episodes you listen to, and I’d love it even more if you’d post a quick comment!

Laurel on Life Podcast Uncategorized

Q Diaries 34: My Scary Adventure into COVID-land

(with an eye toward the humorous nature of it all!)

I moved 20 cinder blocks a distance yesterday, for our outdoor duck coop. Felt good after being ‘cooped up’ in protective gear for my Safeway adventure!

Show Notes

  • I finally do it. I make the trek to Safeway for the first time since mask-wearing during social distancing became a requirement.
  • I do not forget the cheese.

If you enjoy my podcast episodes, you might enjoy my books!

If you enjoyed this episode and others, please subscribe to Alligator Preserves on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts, and tell your friends about it! I’d love it if you “liked” the episodes you listen to, and I’d love it even more if you’d post a quick comment!

Laurel on Life Podcast Writing

Q Diaries 33: My New Life

Dumplings and Ducklings

The duck coop, almost finished! Still have to dig it in (for critter control)!
More mental health wellness tips during quarantine and a changed perspective. Oh, and pumpkin dumplings!
Setting up the coop from McMurray Hatchery

Show Notes

  • More mental health wellness tips during quarantine from Dr. Donlon.
  • How COVID-19 has changed my perspective on where I live.
  • New recipe ideas (pumpkin dumplings) and excitement about becoming a duck wrangler.
  • CCWE writing prompt about home and belonging
  • DO NOT DRINK, GARGLE WITH, INGEST, or INJECT household cleaning supplies! (still can’t believe the man in charge of the United States–the “person who has a good you-know-what”–thought this might be a good idea to test). (Well, yes, I can).
  • Be safe. Be hopeful. Be kind to yourself and to others.
Pumpkin dumplings with shredded Pecorino Romano cheese!

If you enjoy my podcast episodes, you might enjoy my books!

If you enjoyed this episode and others, please subscribe to Alligator Preserves on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts, and tell your friends about it! I’d love it if you “liked” the episodes you listen to, and I’d love it even more if you’d post a quick comment!