Author Interview Books Podcast

“Dyani’s Adventures” with Award-Winning Author Kitty Arceneaux

Follow Author Kitty Arceneaux on her website:

Show Notes with Links:

  • Kitty Arceneaux is a wife, mother, author, minister, life coach, book coach, MUSE for other writers, non-profit leader . . . I ask her what has she NOT yet been?
  • I mention her interview on the Douglas Coleman Show about her novel RUTH READY and the message that every day we can CHOOSE to love.
  • Dyani’s Adventures is about a 9-year-old girl. I ask Kitty how much of the main character is autobiographical.
  • Dyani wants to learn and experience outside her comfort zone . . . so many don’t! We talk about why people are hesitant to explore new traditions, foods, and languages.
  • Dyani visits people from Brazil, China, Mexico, Asia, Egypt, Africa, Italy, Iran, and Japan, and learns an important message from an artist, who tells her to embrace the unexpected.
  • I ask if Kitty was surprised by anything as she wrote this book.
  • Most of her books are Christian themed, but her messages in “Dyani’s Adventures” are universal: Patience, understanding, willingness to listen, and love.
  • Find her books on Amazon and follow her on her website at
  • Kitty shares advice for those with stories they want to tell.
  • Follow Kitty Arceneaux and find all of her books on Amazon!


Laurel Stuff:

I’ll send my sweater to Kitty when I’m ready to pass it on!

Have a new book? Want me to help you market it? Let me know!

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Author Interview Books Interview


“Give Me Fifty Marines Not Afraid to Die” by (the late) John Keith Wells

Buy the book HERE!
Listen to my interview here!

Show Notes with Links:

My first interview of 2025 is with Wes Wells, son of (the late) author John Keith Wells, US Marine Corps. Wes shares his father’s life and stunning story.

I read from the Prologue to give readers a sense for what is to come in this first-person account of the atmosphere just before battle:

“Dim outlines began taking shape near the base of Mount Suribachi. I threw the white wool Japanese Navy blanket off my shoulders and laid my Tommy gun on top of it. The captured warm blanket that our platoon runner had literally risked his life for would be of no use in today’s battle; it would be left behind. Nothing, I mean absolutely nothing, had a meaning. Not home, not mother, not wife, not children, not girlfriend, not hometown, not cold, hot, or hungry-nothing mattered except today’s forthcoming battle, and it would commence very soon.”

Description by Wes Wells: “One of the last pictures of Easy Company together. The man in the middle with the walker is Chuck Lindberg. He was in both Flag Raising pics. The man to his right is Richard (Dick) Wheeler. Famous historical writer mainly about the civil war. He also wrote several books about Iwo Jima. He helped dad get material, names and whatever dad wanted for this book. Google him, he was a great person.”
  • His description of basic training and getting gear thrown at him…he uses figurative language his English teacher would have rewarded!
  • Why did he write this stunning history? Wes discusses his father’s goal for the book.
  • I mention the “Short arm” inspection, which my dad told me about years ago! The author doesn’t hold back any details.
  • Iwo Jima was one of the bloodiest battles in WW2 Marine Corps history, and Wells has graphic depictions of battle. He was 23 years old.
Description by Wes Wells: “The tall, younger man in the dark suit is Oliver North. Dad went to go see him give a talk and when he found out that dad was there, he wanted to meet and have a picture taken with him.”
  • I ask about his father’s embedded shrapnel and other wounds, and if they influenced him in any way.
  • Wes talks about the iconic “Flag raising” photo and surrounding controversy.
Description by Wes Wells: “Mom and Dad with Laura and President Bush. They had breakfast together.”
  • Wes describes his father as having tremendous confidence and an honorable bearing that drew people to him. His was a great storyteller. I ask if he was “squeaky clean,” and Wes reads a humorous passage about an incident at a USO show!

Description by Wes Wells of photo above: “Me and Jimmy Chappell… Interesting story. He served in the Marines and became a school art teacher. Many years ago dad would go to Midland, Tx to do business and mom would go to craft shows. She ran across an artist that had that pic he drew of the flag raising. Did you notice it only had 48 stars????? Jimmy told me this story after dad died. Mom made the comment that her husband commanded that platoon. She did not buy the pic, but he always remembered her. When dad passed he contacted me and told me this story. He came out to dads funeral where the ex-commandant of the Marine Corp and Governor Perry performed the service. Dad got a a Marine Corp Fly-over and a 21 gun salute.  His motorcade was over a mile and surrounded by the Patriot Guard Motorcycle group. In the picture frame, there is a picture of the funeral and 14 shell casings. Jimmy went after everyone left with a metal detector and found all the 14 casings. The other 7 are with the flag. He gave that picture to me and the family to have… Great guy, Great Patriot.”

  • The book includes historic photos, one with Pvt Robeson, who is shirtless, with Charles Lindberg . . . identical photos taken 32 years apart.
Description by Wes Wells: “Dad with the shorter man is Joe Rosenthal. He was the photographer that took that iconic photo of the second flag raising.”
  • John Keith Wells died days short of his 94th bday. We talk about people from “The Greatest Generation” and why we think they lived such long lives.
  • I ask Wes what he will remember most about his father.
Description by Wes Wells: “Me and dad in his 90’s showing him an iPad. He so loved technology.”
  • To learn more about John Keith Wells and the battle of Iwo Jima, buy his book HERE and consider purchasing the audio book when it comes out soon.
  • I thank Wes for sharing his father’s life and story.
(John) Keith Wells and wife Kathryn Wells


Laurel Stuff:

Me (standing right corner) with my West Point Company D-1 classmates.

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Author Interview Books Podcast


Bestselling and Highly Acclaimed Author of Romance and Women’s Fiction!

Beverly Jenkins was a keynote speaker at the 2024 RMFW Colorado Gold Writers Conference! Visit with us here on YouTube.
Podcast (audio only) version

Show Notes with Links:

  • Chosen USA TODAY’s best-selling author of Romance and Women’s Fiction, today’s guest is the highly acclaimed author Beverly Jenkins.
  • We met at this year’s RMFW Colorado Gold Writers Conference, where Beverly was the keynote speaker. I brag about her accomplishments and kudos.
  • She was one of the Black Readers Conference’s keynote speakers in 2021at which time she was THE most read author in the Canon with 6 books, followed by Toni Morrison, Octavia Butler, and Tiffany D. Jackson, with 4 books each.
Beverly’s RMFW Keynote speech was inspiring and–like her–funny!
  • She talks about being the editor of her elementary school’s newspaper in the 4th grade – The Myra Jones Elementary School COMET – but had no dreams of being a writer. Her dream job was to work in a library, which she eventually did. I ask how her library work inspired her storytelling, and she talks about her family of readers…and how her parents weren’t even allowed to check out books from their segregated library.
  • I ask when she first developed confidence in her ability to tell a story.
  • Avon Books called in June 1993 to say they wanted to buy her first book—Night Song. After it was published in the summer of 1994, Avon kept sending her contracts and she kept sending back books.
  • Al Roker says Beverly’s storytelling is “uplifting and engaging and proves it really does take a village.” Beverly discusses adopted and foster children (she adopted her son when he was five).
  • In a Goodreads interview December 2020, she talked about her author platform and said, “there’s enough light for everybody, and if I can shine my light on somebody who’s just coming out, or somebody who’s struggling, or somebody who just needs a little slight push to the center of the stage, why wouldn’t I do that? It doesn’t take anything away from me. I still got the light, I’ve still got my platform, so it’s much better to be kind than be a bitch.”
  • Speaking of being a bitch, I ask her to tell the story about the “Literary Fiction” author on the bus.
  • Many of her books are about African-American life in the 19th Century.
  • We talk about To Catch a Raven: Amazon Editor’s Pick for Best Romance! With historical details, espionage, a heist, suspense, a prophetic child, multiple cons, fabulous characters, FUN, a strong, smart woman lead and the steamy Braxton Steele . . . OOOOH!
Sooooo good!
  • It’s 3rd in the Women Who Dare series, and each book is a stand-alone read.
  • p. 271:   Raven wonders “if the country would ever value the men of the race the way their loved ones did.” We discuss this, and Beverly talks about how her writing is also a tribute to Black men.
  • What’s in the works? Beverly is a fantasy reader and plans to write a story with a black woman riding a dragon!
If only! She showed me what she had hidden under her top just before her keynote speech!


Laurel Stuff:

One of my RMFW Conference outfits! I had fun!

Have a new book? Want me to help you market it? Let me know!

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Author Interview Books Writing

Jeff Giles Explores the Afterlife…

in his debut novel Langley Powell and the Society for the Defense of the Mundane

Enjoy this visit on YouTube!
Podcast audio

Show Notes with Links:

  • Jeff tells us a bit about himself.
  • He talks about the title of his debut novel and provides an elevator pitch.
  • He tells us how he decided to write fiction after being a nonfiction author.
Author Jeff Giles
  • We discuss our thoughts about what lies beyond this mortal realm .
  • Reviewers across the board have indicated their delight in Jeff’s unique perspective on the afterlife.
  • His character Frank is wonderful, so we talk about him.
  • I ask about some fun allusions [Cyrus tells Langley, “We’re all counting on you,” an Airplane reference? And secret decoder ring, Christmas Story? Jeff includes many cultural tidbits from the ’60s, ’70s, ’80s.
  • I ask about the idea of the SPINE of the universe.
  • Meat pudding, Steven the mockingbird, a literal windbag. “With the sound of a fart…” Jeff peppers his narrative with delightfully humorous phrases and characters.
  • We discuss looking at formative experiences from a different perspective when we’re grown.
  • His characters address the Yin/yang balance in everything.
  • We get a little political about Cyrus’s perspective.


Laurel Stuff:

Snow in Colorado! Is there show in the afterlife? :)

Have a new book? Want me to help you market it? Let me know!

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Author Interview Interview Writing

Rising Literary Star Kollin Kennedy Presents “As Time Goes By”

A collection of poetry and prose

Visit with us on YouTube!
Podcast link (audio only)

Show Notes with Links:

Support this young artist! Buy Kollin’s book HERE!
  • For people creating their own collections, Kollin explains how he chose these pieces.
  • He explains why he issues a heads-up about his uncharacteristic style.
  • Kollin creates new words to express his unique voice.
  • I ask about Kollin’s education, how he came to love the sonnet, and the first poem he wrote.
  • The book is filled with literary and pop allusions: Kate and Petruchio, Tartuffe, Lucy and Desi … He talks about his knowledge base.
Follow Kollin Kennedy
  • I ask him to read The Portrait of A Nice Guy, First Perspective, and we talk about the autobiographic nature of many of his pieces.
  • His letters stun, amuse, and evoke emotion.
  • Letter V to a friend requesting an introduction to pop star Tito . . .
  • Letter VIII about the mixtape . . .
  • Much to do about money, greed, and cleanliness, or lack thereof in Letter XV in which stank foot is an issue! (I love his letters!)
  • I ask who he hopes will read his work.
Rising literary star Kollin Kennedy


Laurel Stuff:

I asked Kollin if he might include a haiku or two in his next collection! Here’s a link to my Haikus Can Amuse!

Have a new book? Want me to help you market it? Let me know!

Find my other work here!

Author Interview Books Writing

Helen Starbuck Shares “The Killer Without A Face”

A grip-your-seat new thriller!

Multiple Award-Winning Author Helen Starbuck
Visit with us on YouTube!
Podcast audio link

Show Notes with Links:

  • Helen talks about why she is drawn to writing suspenseful thrillers.
  • Helen gives us the “elevator pitch” for The Killer Without A Face
  • Her MC, Dani, flees to a tiny town in Colorado that feels completely real.
  • Characters in this novel…as in all…are real and wonderful. I ask if any are based on people she knows. “CAREFUL, OR YOU’LL END UP IN MY NOVEL” (the sign in my guest bathroom!)
  • We discuss her characters and how they made it into her work (Irma and her dog Elmer, Jess the wounded former Marine, that beeotch Polly)!
  • How has your ballroom dancing influenced Helen’s writing?
  • Photos below show Helen dancing with her teacher, Isaac Lynn, at Arthur Murray Studio in Boulder
  • The CRIME STOPPERS broadcast also adds lots of tension!
  • Helen talks about how she captured the idea of trust so well, and how it adds to the tension between Dani and Jess.
  • “Undercurrents of romance”…that tension…Helen takes us through her process of putting this novel together.
Get it here!
  • The dramatic chase scene…
  • Whodunit? Did she know when she started the novel?
  • We discuss AI in writing and NaNoWriMo‘s new policy.
  • We discuss the Covid virus and vaccines.
  • Helen will attend this year’s Book Nook at the Georgetown Christmas Market hosted by award-winning author Jerry Fabyanic
  • Helen tells us a bit about her next novel.
  • Find her books on Amazon
  • Follow her on her website and sign up for her newsletter.
  • I tell her to stay well, keep writing, and keep dancing!


Laurel Stuff:

I used to dance too! I’m the hot little number in red, with a friend and my baby sister!

Have a new book? Want me to help you market it? Let me know!

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Author Interview Books Podcast

Amber Herbert’s “Lipstick Covered Magnet”

A Debut Novel

Visit with us on YouTube!
audio-only podcast version of our visit

Show Notes with Links:

  • Amber Herbert’s debut novel is Lipstick Covered Magnet, a “genre-bending debut that weaves the intricacies of healing with delusion and suspense.”
  • She gives us an elevator pitch for this novel geared toward college-age readers.
  • Amber discusses her inspiration for writing a book about stalking as her debut nove.
  • Lyrics from the song “Lipstick Covered Magnet” by the group The Front Bottoms were in line with her story.
  • We talk about delusional characters, how she got into Connor’s mind (the stalker), and how she interwove the story line between the two main characters.
  • We talk about participation in NaNoWriMo
  • She talks about visiting London, her love of Shakespeare, and her tendency toward being an Anglophile.
  • We talk about the allusions to books and films Amber has read/viewed.
  • We both discuss our dark Muses!
  • I read a section about catfishing and the dangers of Facebook and revealing too much about ourselves.
  • We discuss counselling, healing, and telling our stories of horror and trauma.
  • A cautionary tale, Lipstick Covered Magnet is a book men should read.
  • Amber discusses her other novels, surprises in writing, and lucid dreaming!
  • Amber provides some advice to new writers.
  • As the technology chairperson for Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers (RMFW), she is also coordinating speakers and workshops for this year’s Colorado Gold Writers Conference. Registration is still open!

Find out more about Amber Herbert at her website: and contact her at


Laurel Stuff:

If I’m not here, I might be in Moab!

Have a new book? Want me to help you market it? Let me know!

Find my other work here!

Author Interview Books Podcast

Peter Heller Presents “BURN”!

Multi-Award-Winning, Best-Selling Author Peter Heller Discusses His New Release (and lots more)!

Peter Heller doing one of the things he loves.
Enjoy this fun and informative visit with Peter Heller!
Audio-only podcast Episode 155!

Show Notes with Links:

  • As a NYT and National Best-Selling Author, we discuss his accolades, and I ask Peter who he is today.
  • Peter gives us the elevator pitch for BURN.
  • In previous interviews, Peter likens writing a novel to kayaking a new river…you never know what might be around the next bend, something frightening, awe-inspiring, a ferocious animal, someone with a rifle…he likes surprises! I ask what surprised him while writing “BURN.”
Another thing Peter enjoys while not writing!
  • Peter’s books are dark but with hope, and I ask if we all have both angels and devils on our shoulders.
  • He talks about the music of the language, and I ask about the Tang Dynasty Poets
  • I read a couple of gorgeous passages from “BURN.”
  • We discuss the OED! At age 12, Peter read the dictionary!
  • I ask if he’s had a friendship as close as Jess has with Storey.
Peter (center) with Paonia river friends Sascha Steinway (left) and Landis Arnold (right)
  • “Love is attention” . . . discuss!
  • We talk a bit about the current state of world affairs.
  • I mention Peter’s expertise in presenting places and emotions. He hits all the feels: love, loyalty, betrayal, anger, horror, suspense, surprise, longing, shame, confusion, AWE …
  • Paolo Bacigalupi taught him, “Your job is just to make sure it doesn’t suck”…well, he succeeded!
Paonia home.
  • Jess’s gradual character arc is credible and incredible!
  • I ask about AI in publishing.
  • He talks about living off-grid.
  • I ask about his full launch marketing schedule and how he maintains his enthusiasm. Find him in your neck-of-the-woods on his BOOK TOUR schedule!
  • 3 rapid-fire questions: Favorite color / thing he’s most likely to consume first thing each day (and then we discussed vegetarianism) / YES or NO: Cats are people too and should be allowed to vote! Listen to his answer!!!
  • ORDER BURN NOW! August 13 release! I ask Peter to save me 2 front row seats Aug 29th in Edwards, CO!
Peter in his element…outdoors!


Laurel Stuff:

Me in my Smith College days, before I joined the Army!

Have a new book? Want me to help you market it? Let me know!

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Author Interview Books Interview Podcast

From Zero to Hero

A Children’s Book Adults Will Appreciate!

Susan’s granddaughter reads From Zero to Hero
Enjoy this visit with author Susan Baum Gluck and artist Barbara Kuhn McGould
Listen to the Audio-only podcast!

Show Notes with Links:

  • Susan and Barbara talk about how they met and became collaborators on this project…and we discuss high altitude baking (with tips)!
  • I tell them how I heard about their project from Barbara’s son (Chuck), who is my West Point classmate.
  • The book is dedicated “To all our greats and grands”! We learn how many they have, and we talk about being grandmothers (and grandmother names)!
The littlest fan of “From Zero to Hero,” Barbara’s great-granddaughter Olivia Levine!
  • Susan talks about the book’s message for the main character: TO DISCOVER HER TALENT AND WORTH. She explains the story’s journey, how is started, and how it evolved over time.
  • I ask if Dr. Seuss inspired the rhyming cadence of the story.
Susan’s granddaughter Natalie enjoys the book with her grandfather (who also seems to be enjoying the story!)
  • Number 7 is a rapper! I ask Susan to rap that section (and she does!)
  • We laugh about Zero leaving her purse with number 7.
  • Number 8 gives the best encouragement (I think!)
  • Some numbers are a bit snarky with her, (starting with Numero Uno) and full of themselves…like some real characters children might meet.
  • Barbara talks about her artwork and a scare she had while illustrating the book using Sketchbook on an old computer!
Barbara’s granddaughter Alexa Levine reads to her 4-month-old baby Olivia!
  • Barbara will donate sale proceeds to the Wounded Warriors Project.
  • I suggest future projects the two could work together on together!
  • They share their favorite number(s)!
  • Please support these two wonderful women by buying their book on Amazon and telling your friends about it…



Laurel Stuff:

And if your kiddos like ducks, they might enjoy my book QUACK!

Have a new book? Want me to help you market it? Let me know!

Find my other work here!

Please subscribe to Alligator Preserves on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts, and tell your friends about it! I’d love it if you “liked” the episodes you listen to, and I’d love it even more if you’d post a quick comment!

Author Interview Interview Podcast Writing

Jodi Bowersox, Award-Winning Author, Renaissance Woman!

Jodi Bowersox and her equally fun husband, Kevin, at the Georgetown Christmas Market
Jodi Bowersox also writes about Cats! Visit with us for this fun interview!
Audio-only podcast of our interview
Jodi writes children’s book under pen name J.B. Stockings

Show Notes with Links:

  • Jodi tells us why I call her a Renaissance woman.
  • Jodi defines her genre and talks about how her books differ from those traditionally found on bookstore shelves.
  • We discuss the many subgenres of romance. I ask what Jodi read as a younger person.
  • She tells us which authors inspired her.
  • We talk about the many love triangles in Mars Madness (and the funniest one involving a character named Minnie!)
  • There is a lot of situational humor within the suspense of these novels.
  • I ask about her thoughts on A.I., and will we be seeing crates of Minnies on COSTO shelves.
  • I ask about gene splicing of horses in the novel.
  • Many wonderful characters! The BFF–Clarinda–who tells it like she sees it, the precocious youngster Frankie, Blaze and Doug and Alexandro and Ariel…
  • Jodi’s husband publishes too, and she tells us what it’s like having two published authors in the same household.
Another series! Time Agents


Laurel Stuff:

Jodi believes in breaking writing rules! I believe in NOT breaking my noggin!

Have a new book? Want me to help you market it? Find my services HERE!

Find my other work here!

Please subscribe to Alligator Preserves on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts, and tell your friends about it! I’d love it if you “liked” the episodes you listen to, and I’d love it even more if you’d post a quick comment!