Author Interview Books

Frank Demith’s Novel is “Of Vital Interest”!

Frank receiving the International Impact Book Award for Best Military Book in 2023!
Enjoy this captivating visit with LTC (Ret) Frank Demith
Audio-only podcast episode

Show Notes with Links:

  • Frank Demith tells us who he is today, and talks about his recent graduation from the Deliberate Discomfort Challenge, making him a member of the Endless 6.
  • Frank’s novel earned the title of Best Military Book in 2023 from the International Impact Book Awards.
  • We discuss former Sergeant Major Bill Armstrong’s influence on Frank, and his Facebook post about all of the “firsts” Frank presented him with, including: “First saxophone player I ever enlisted into the Army band, first recruit I ever had go to West Point, first person who owned a Mustang II and later rebounded and became a REAL car aficionado with the truck and the jeep, and now as far as I know, the first published author.” 
Frank in his “thinking hat”!
  • He tells us how he learned to write creatively.
  • I ask, “Who are you in this novel?”
  • We discuss the characters Al Khafaji and Abdullah (and others).
  • His novel is extremely detail oriented, which made me feel like I was right there in the chow line with his characters.
  • We discuss his character development…from strongest to weakest… and their growth, and how realistic the dialogue is.
Frank and another 1983 West Point classmate, Lorraine Lesieur, taken at a book signing at Barnes and Noble in Ashburn, VA
  • I ask him about leadership lessons in his 28 years of service, the scene in his novel with the young Lieutenant, and West Point leadership lessons.
  • Frank captures the pre-deployment intensity, stress, excitement, fear, and the unknown…and how there’s never enough time for true preparation.
  • “Not my circus, not my monkeys” (we discuss).
  • “Hope is not a method” (we discuss).
  • I ask what Frank hopes for the future of our nation.
  • After reading Frank’s work, I believe his soldiers loved and respected him.
  • I challenge him to recite the DEFINITION of LEATHER, and although I leave out a few words, we stumble through it!
“Firstie” Cadet Frank Demith
  • What’s next? Frank has a deal now through Flag Day (June 14th) where he’ll donate $1 from each purchase to the “Warrior Rising” project.
  • A shout-out to Franks fabulous wife and to another classmate, Michael “Mac” Crumlin.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Laurel Stuff:

“Firstie” Cadet Laurel Bernier (that’s me! Just about 40ish years ago!)

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By author

Laurel lives and laughs and publishes and podcasts in Colorado's Rocky Mountains! She has published several multi-genre books and hosts the podcast "Alligator Preserves," where she interviews fascinating people, talks about the human condition, and shares scary stories from her "Dark Ebb" collection.

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