“The Medway Tales”
Seven Modern Fables
Show Notes with Links: The Medway Tales by Author Santos CS Bermejo and artist Luisto+Quintanar
- Santos tells us about himself and why he ended up in England
- He discusses quotes from C.S. Lewis, Luis Pasteur, and Bernard of Chartres
- His seven stories are reminiscent of Aesop’s Fables, and his characters are unique
- He mentions fables he remembers from childhood

- One of his goals is to teach children how to think. We discuss today’s youths and the challenges they believe they have
- We talk about how fables can be discussed on many levels
The Medway Tales seven stories:
- 1–Senor Huevo
- 2–Cheeky Little Mole Tillo
- 3–Hyena Helena and the Mink Scarf
- 4–Amik, the Architect
- 5–This Little Squirrel Called Rita
- 6–Water Eddies
- 7–Little Rainy Things
- We discuss learning from observing nature and American Theoretical Physicist Richard Feynman
- Fabulous illustrations by Luistomas Quintanar (Luisto+Quintanar)
- Santos mentions author Juan Ramón Jiménez‘s book Platero and I
- He tells us which is his favorite tale

- He talks about his quotation: “Narrative is the most sublime way to gaze upon the world, understand reality, and explain life.”
- Santos would love it if you would email him with your comments/suggestions here: santoscejudo@hotmail.com
- Follow him on his website: https://santoscejudo.wixsite.com/bermejo
- His blog: https://santosandluistobooks.com/about/
Laurel Stuff:

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