Laurel on Life Podcast

Corona Virus 2020: Toilet Paper Pandemic

and suggestions for coping!

Listen here for quarantine “NO TOUCHING” advice and a short piece of Viking fiction!

Show Notes with Links:

  • This is episode 3 of my Corona Virus Pandemic coverage
  • Get your info from
  • Looking for alternatives to toilet paper (because the whole world has gone to shizzle and there’s no toilet pizzle left)? Here’s the link where I found some alternatives: The Urban Survival Site
Wondering about the perfect “alternative”? Exhibit A? Absolutely. Exhibit B? Not recommended. Don’t let their expressions fool you!
  • Lots of tips for what to do when you’re quarantined and/or have to maintain “social distancing”
  • Bonus fiction piece from a Chaffee County Writers Exchange virtual meeting this morning. My piece is called “Shriek of the Shield Maiden”
  • and . . . who wants my black suit?
Who’d like this black size 8 “Etcetera” suit? Contact me soon! These are from today’s closet culling!
My half of the closet! My recording equipment hides among sound-absorbing stuff!
End of my 10-minute scribbled piece: Shriek of the Shield Maiden
I’m recording in my closet now!

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Laurel on Life Podcast

Corona Virus 2: Revenge of the Toilet Paper

or: Why I’m self-quarantining

Hey, someone had to do it! “The Bernier 5” sisters gather for Christine’s 70th surprise party!

Here’s part 2 of my Corona Virus coverage with health tips and discussion on why I’m self-quarantining after my awesome trip to California!

Links to Corona Virus info from “the horse’s mouth”:

I’m recording in my closet now!

If you enjoy my podcast episodes, you might enjoy my books!

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Books Laurel on Life Podcast

Leap Day, the Corona Virus, and Dark Ebb: Grim Tales

A “quickie” episode!

With just a bit of advice!

Hey! I recorded a “quickie” episode yesterday (Leap Day, February 29, 2020) with info about my upcoming new release and some tips on the novel Corona Virus. Hope you take a “quickie” listen!

Pre-order now for April 1 delivery!
I’m recording in my closet now!

If you enjoy my podcast episodes, you might enjoy my books!

If you enjoyed this episode and others, please subscribe to Alligator Preserves on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts, and tell your friends about it! I’d love it if you “liked” the episodes you listen to, and I’d love it even more if you’d post a quick comment!


Dark Ebb!

New Podcast Episodes featuring Short Stories with Dark Elements!

My first new episode!

Show Notes with Links

  • I’ve added a new “horror” category to my Alligator Preserves episodes! Listener discretion is advised!
  • My new book “Dark Ebb: Grim Tales” will be available on Amazon soon!
  • I plan to record one new episode per week, and I’d like to invite other authors of grim tales to contact me about narrating their stories on my podcast.
  • Let me know what you think.
I’m recording in my closet now!

If you enjoy my podcast episodes, you might enjoy my books!

If you enjoyed this episode and others, please subscribe to Alligator Preserves on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts, and tell your friends about it! I’d love it if you “liked” the episodes you listen to, and I’d love it even more if you’d post a quick comment!


In Love With Love!
My justification to my parents about how “THIS time” was different!
The wedding party! Mike’s friends showed up with little notice!
page 1 of my 7-page letter to my parents!

Show Notes with Links and Photos

  • After apologizing for my last episode about ablutophobia (fear of bathing!), I share a letter I wrote to my parents in which I justify my love of the man who would become my husband!
  • And then I talk about what makes for a great long-term relationship, because I’m (not) a professional!
My wonderful Dad, COL Charles M. Bernier (RIP), who gave each of his 5 daughters Valentine’s Day cards until we had men of our own (and I think even for a while after!). June 18, 1983
My man, Mike! (Who was sweating bullets at the altar on our muggy wedding day)!
Raining only rice!
A funny toast, followed by . . .
A kiss! And my baby sister, who would be engaged that very night!
I’m recording in my closet now!

If you enjoy my podcast episodes, you might enjoy my books!

If you enjoyed this episode and others, please subscribe to Alligator Preserves on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts, and tell your friends about it! I’d love it if you “liked” the episodes you listen to, and I’d love it even more if you’d post a quick comment!


Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Bath?

Ablutophobia is a thing.
My episode about scary bathtubs!

I wasn’t going to post “links and photos” for this episode, but decided I should credit the link to the article about Ablutophobia. Here it is:

Ablutophobia Causes and Treatments

I will NOT post scary tub photos!

I’m recording in my closet now!

If you enjoy my podcast episodes, you might enjoy my books!

If you enjoyed this episode and others, please subscribe to Alligator Preserves on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts, and tell your friends about it! I’d love it if you “liked” the episodes you listen to, and I’d love it even more if you’d post a quick comment!


Crazy Inspiration

Where do you find yours?
Listen here!
Mike WAY up river from me!
We love visiting Moab!
I’m recording in my closet now!

Show Notes with Links:

  • I share a “crazy” encounter I had with an individual who would become a new character in my Waterwight Series
  • My episode Zen Diagrams, in which I talk about the “thing in the water”. . . another inspiration for my series!
  • Writing tips! Please share with me some of yours and I’ll include them on my “Writing Tips” page (and credit you)!

If you enjoy my podcast episodes, you might enjoy my books!

If you enjoyed this episode and others, please subscribe to Alligator Preserves on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts, and tell your friends about it! I’d love it if you “liked” the episodes you listen to, and I’d love it even more if you’d post a quick comment!


Penny for Your Thoughts

A short story–based on the assassination of President James Garfield– written as historical fiction.
Listen here, whippersnappers!

Show Notes with Links:

  • This is my narration of a short story I wrote for a writing challenge.
  • DISCLAIMER: The racist views expressed by the main character in this story (Harold, the retired zookeeper) in NO WAY reflect the views of the author (me)!
  • The challenge was to create a story of no more than 2,500 words in the historical fiction genre. It’s main character had to be a zookeeper, and there had to be an assassination. I had one week to complete this challenge.
  • The challenge is put on by NYCMidnight, and there are different contests throughout the year.
  • I learned about the assassin, Charles Julius Guiteau, from Wikipedia. Below is his photo.
http://By Unknown photographer, cropped by User:Connormah – Cropped from, Public Domain,
I’m recording in my closet now!

If you enjoy my podcast episodes, you might enjoy my books!

If you enjoyed this episode and others, please subscribe to Alligator Preserves on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts, and tell your friends about it! I’d love it if you “liked” the episodes you listen to, and I’d love it even more if you’d post a quick comment!

Please support Alligator Preserves on Patreon.  You will be rewarded!


“My Lovers #1-5, or Why I Hate Kenny Rogers”

A short story written by award-winning author Donna Baier Stein and narrated by Laurel McHargue

Show Notes with Links:
– So happy to narrate Donna’s “My Lovers #1-5, Or Why I Hate Kenny Rogers”!
– I met Donna Baier Stein in Leadville several years ago. She came to Leadville to talk about her novel The Silver Baron’s Wife, a story about Colorado’s Baby Doe Tabor. It’s an exquisite novel!
– After purchasing and reading Donna’s short story collection Sympathetic People, I knew that someday I’d have to find ways to share these unusual tales with others. This is my first attempt at finding my voice in her words! I do hope you enjoy “My Lovers…” and support this crafter of stunning narratives!
– Subscribe to Tiferet Journal HERE!

Donna and yours truly at a local Leadville restaurant (October 2016)!
My OLD recording space!

If you enjoy my podcast episodes, you might enjoy my books!

If you enjoyed this episode and others, please subscribe to Alligator Preserves on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts, and tell your friends about it! I’d love it if you “liked” the episodes you listen to, and I’d love it even more if you’d post a quick comment!

Please support Alligator Preserves on Patreon.  You will be rewarded!

Laurel on Life Podcast

Welcome to My Closet!

My first episode of 2020 is recorded in my closet! Let me know what you think of the sound quality!

My own little corner and my own little chair…in my very quiet closet!
My OLD recording space!

If you enjoy my podcast episodes, you might enjoy my books!

If you enjoyed this episode and others, please subscribe to Alligator Preserves on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts, and tell your friends about it! I’d love it if you “liked” the episodes you listen to, and I’d love it even more if you’d post a quick comment!

Please support Alligator Preserves on Patreon.  You will be rewarded!