A short story written by award-winning author Donna Baier Stein and narrated by Laurel McHargue
Show Notes with Links:
– So happy to narrate Donna’s “My Lovers #1-5, Or Why I Hate Kenny Rogers”!
– I met Donna Baier Stein in Leadville several years ago. She came to Leadville to talk about her novel The Silver Baron’s Wife, a story about Colorado’s Baby Doe Tabor. It’s an exquisite novel!
– After purchasing and reading Donna’s short story collection Sympathetic People, I knew that someday I’d have to find ways to share these unusual tales with others. This is my first attempt at finding my voice in her words! I do hope you enjoy “My Lovers…” and support this crafter of stunning narratives!
– Subscribe to Tiferet Journal HERE!

If you enjoy my podcast episodes, you might enjoy my books!
- Laurel’s Amazon Author page
- https://leadvillelaurel.com/writing-tips/
- https://www.facebook.com/LeadvilleLaurel/
- https://twitter.com/LeadvilleLaurel
- Intro/outro voice by Nick McHargue,
Podcast music from Jamendo Royalty Free Music
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