Author Interview Books Podcast

Peter Heller Presents “BURN”!

Multi-Award-Winning, Best-Selling Author Peter Heller Discusses His New Release (and lots more)!

Peter Heller doing one of the things he loves.
Enjoy this fun and informative visit with Peter Heller!
Audio-only podcast Episode 155!

Show Notes with Links:

  • As a NYT and National Best-Selling Author, we discuss his accolades, and I ask Peter who he is today.
  • Peter gives us the elevator pitch for BURN.
  • In previous interviews, Peter likens writing a novel to kayaking a new river…you never know what might be around the next bend, something frightening, awe-inspiring, a ferocious animal, someone with a rifle…he likes surprises! I ask what surprised him while writing “BURN.”
Another thing Peter enjoys while not writing!
  • Peter’s books are dark but with hope, and I ask if we all have both angels and devils on our shoulders.
  • He talks about the music of the language, and I ask about the Tang Dynasty Poets
  • I read a couple of gorgeous passages from “BURN.”
  • We discuss the OED! At age 12, Peter read the dictionary!
  • I ask if he’s had a friendship as close as Jess has with Storey.
Peter (center) with Paonia river friends Sascha Steinway (left) and Landis Arnold (right)
  • “Love is attention” . . . discuss!
  • We talk a bit about the current state of world affairs.
  • I mention Peter’s expertise in presenting places and emotions. He hits all the feels: love, loyalty, betrayal, anger, horror, suspense, surprise, longing, shame, confusion, AWE …
  • Paolo Bacigalupi taught him, “Your job is just to make sure it doesn’t suck”…well, he succeeded!
Paonia home.
  • Jess’s gradual character arc is credible and incredible!
  • I ask about AI in publishing.
  • He talks about living off-grid.
  • I ask about his full launch marketing schedule and how he maintains his enthusiasm. Find him in your neck-of-the-woods on his BOOK TOUR schedule!
  • 3 rapid-fire questions: Favorite color / thing he’s most likely to consume first thing each day (and then we discussed vegetarianism) / YES or NO: Cats are people too and should be allowed to vote! Listen to his answer!!!
  • ORDER BURN NOW! August 13 release! I ask Peter to save me 2 front row seats Aug 29th in Edwards, CO!
Peter in his element…outdoors!


Laurel Stuff:

Me in my Smith College days, before I joined the Army!

Have a new book? Want me to help you market it? Let me know!

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Author Interview Books Interview Podcast

From Zero to Hero

A Children’s Book Adults Will Appreciate!

Susan’s granddaughter reads From Zero to Hero
Enjoy this visit with author Susan Baum Gluck and artist Barbara Kuhn McGould
Listen to the Audio-only podcast!

Show Notes with Links:

  • Susan and Barbara talk about how they met and became collaborators on this project…and we discuss high altitude baking (with tips)!
  • I tell them how I heard about their project from Barbara’s son (Chuck), who is my West Point classmate.
  • The book is dedicated “To all our greats and grands”! We learn how many they have, and we talk about being grandmothers (and grandmother names)!
The littlest fan of “From Zero to Hero,” Barbara’s great-granddaughter Olivia Levine!
  • Susan talks about the book’s message for the main character: TO DISCOVER HER TALENT AND WORTH. She explains the story’s journey, how is started, and how it evolved over time.
  • I ask if Dr. Seuss inspired the rhyming cadence of the story.
Susan’s granddaughter Natalie enjoys the book with her grandfather (who also seems to be enjoying the story!)
  • Number 7 is a rapper! I ask Susan to rap that section (and she does!)
  • We laugh about Zero leaving her purse with number 7.
  • Number 8 gives the best encouragement (I think!)
  • Some numbers are a bit snarky with her, (starting with Numero Uno) and full of themselves…like some real characters children might meet.
  • Barbara talks about her artwork and a scare she had while illustrating the book using Sketchbook on an old computer!
Barbara’s granddaughter Alexa Levine reads to her 4-month-old baby Olivia!
  • Barbara will donate sale proceeds to the Wounded Warriors Project.
  • I suggest future projects the two could work together on together!
  • They share their favorite number(s)!
  • Please support these two wonderful women by buying their book on Amazon and telling your friends about it…



Laurel Stuff:

And if your kiddos like ducks, they might enjoy my book QUACK!

Have a new book? Want me to help you market it? Let me know!

Find my other work here!

Please subscribe to Alligator Preserves on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts, and tell your friends about it! I’d love it if you “liked” the episodes you listen to, and I’d love it even more if you’d post a quick comment!

Author Interview Interview Podcast Writing

Jodi Bowersox, Award-Winning Author, Renaissance Woman!

Jodi Bowersox and her equally fun husband, Kevin, at the Georgetown Christmas Market
Jodi Bowersox also writes about Cats! Visit with us for this fun interview!
Audio-only podcast of our interview
Jodi writes children’s book under pen name J.B. Stockings

Show Notes with Links:

  • Jodi tells us why I call her a Renaissance woman.
  • Jodi defines her genre and talks about how her books differ from those traditionally found on bookstore shelves.
  • We discuss the many subgenres of romance. I ask what Jodi read as a younger person.
  • She tells us which authors inspired her.
  • We talk about the many love triangles in Mars Madness (and the funniest one involving a character named Minnie!)
  • There is a lot of situational humor within the suspense of these novels.
  • I ask about her thoughts on A.I., and will we be seeing crates of Minnies on COSTO shelves.
  • I ask about gene splicing of horses in the novel.
  • Many wonderful characters! The BFF–Clarinda–who tells it like she sees it, the precocious youngster Frankie, Blaze and Doug and Alexandro and Ariel…
  • Jodi’s husband publishes too, and she tells us what it’s like having two published authors in the same household.
Another series! Time Agents


Laurel Stuff:

Jodi believes in breaking writing rules! I believe in NOT breaking my noggin!

Have a new book? Want me to help you market it? Find my services HERE!

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Author Interview Books Podcast

Peter A. Eschbach Presents “An Illustrated Look at Traditions of The United States Military Academy A to Z”

with Memories from Hundreds from the Long Gray Line

Peter with his wife, Susan: Plebe Parent Week at West Point
Visit with us here on YouTube!
Podcast audio version!

Show Notes with Links:

  • A is for ARMY…I ask Peter why he made the decision to join the Army, especially since he’s an artist.
  • Peter discusses the artwork he created for this book.
  • “Army is the other family you have.” ~ R. Jim Steiner ’78. I ask about Peter’s relationship with the Army.
One of Peter’s “Spirit” drawings: The Army Mule mascot chasing down the Navy Goat!
  • Peter discusses the process for putting together all the pieces: the alphabet definitions, the artwork, the input from past graduates of West Point.
  • He talks about his “favorite” letter!
  • As an Old Grad, he’s still active. I saw on Facebook a photo of him presenting an appointment letter to a soon-to-be new cadet. [ I mention my representing West Point at the local high school Career Fair day]
  • We talk about “X-Traditions” and how we both contributed to the POINTER magazine (no longer published). Peter also designed the crest for his class ring (West Point Class of 1978).
Peter at Ft. Sumpter
  • I ask if he was a hazer (I didn’t think so)!
  • Peter has great advice for young people considering West Point and the military academies.
  • Peter is working on a book for his USMA Class of 1978 for their next reunion.
  • I put in a plug for The Virginia War Memorial’s Mighty Pen Project for veterans, led by New York Times Best-Selling Author David L. Robbins.

Find Peter’s book on Amazon HERE


Get $5 off your purchase using the code LeadvilleLaurel on BookBaby:

Follow this QR with code LeadvilleLaurel for $5 off your purchase of Peter’s book!



Laurel Stuff:

“Firstie” Cadet Laurel Bernier (that’s me! Just about 40ish years ago!) holding my “T” is for “Tarbucket”!

Have a new book? Want me to help you market it? Find my services HERE!

Find my other work here!

Please subscribe to Alligator Preserves on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts, and tell your friends about it! I’d love it if you “liked” the episodes you listen to, and I’d love it even more if you’d post a quick comment!

Author Interview Books Interview

Keith Steinbaum Presents:

“In Lieu of Flowers” — A Supernatural Thriller!

and THIS JUST IN on 15 July 2024, two more awards for Keith’s books in the Horror: Paranormal/Supernatural category from the 2024 American Fiction Awards!

Congratulations, Keith!


The Poe Consequence by Keith Steinbaum

Independently Published


Horror: Paranormal/Supernatural


In Lieu of Flowers by Keith Steinbaum

World Castle Publishing, LLC


Horror: Paranormal/Supernatural


Supernatural Author Keith Steinbaum
Visit with us on YouTube!
Podcast episode version!

Show Notes with Links:

We start by discussing our visit from 5 years ago about Keith’s novel “You Say Goodbye” and the obituary of Alexandra Scott, a child who inspired Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation for childhood cancer research.

  • Keith tells the true story of his grandfather’s attempted kidnapping in the late 1800s, the inspiration that started his novel “In Lieu of Flowers.”
  • He was a “Sunday writer” when he wrote “You Say Goodbye,” but now that he’s retired . . .
  • We discuss his earlier books: “You Say Goodbye” and “The Poe Consequence”
  • We remember Alexandra Scott, who’s obituary as an 8-year-old victim of childhood cancer inspired not only Keith’s earlier novel, but also Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation, which has raised over $300 million for childhood cancer research.
Author Keith Steinbaum with Liz Scott, Alexandra Scott’s mother, who founded Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation.
Donate today to help cure childhood cancer.
  • Keith reads a nightmare passage from “In Lieu of Flowers”
  • We discuss the significance of numbers. In Jewish mysticism, the number 74 represents “the absence of light…the emergence of darkness.” The number plays a significant role in the novel.
  • We discuss the significance of letter writing.
  • Keith talks about his inspiration for the characters Dragonfly and Hummingbird.
  • “Maybe evil wins out because God is overwhelmed…”
  • Were the character Michael’s sleepover memories autobiographical?
  • I ask about Keith’s knowledge of Braille and blindness and how they inform the plot.
  • I read a passage about Evergreen Cemetery and we discuss how the gravestones have photos of the deceased, the burial sites “represented lives that experienced what we all do, the connective tissue of tales and time—”
  • Keith talks about the lullaby he used in the story.
  • We discuss our beliefs in the supernatural?
  • Keith explains how he has changed as an author.
  • He gives wonderful advice to new authors.
  • Follow him on his website and email him with your thoughts! He’d love to hear from you!
  • His links:

Keith’s website:
email him at

Here’s a link to our interview about “You Say Goodbye”:

My visit with Keith about 5 years ago!


Laurel Stuff:

I write dark things, too!

Have a new book? Want me to help you market it? Find my services HERE!

Find my other work here!

Please subscribe to Alligator Preserves on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts, and tell your friends about it! I’d love it if you “liked” the episodes you listen to, and I’d love it even more if you’d post a quick comment!

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Author Interview Books

Frank Demith’s Novel is “Of Vital Interest”!

Frank receiving the International Impact Book Award for Best Military Book in 2023!
Enjoy this captivating visit with LTC (Ret) Frank Demith
Audio-only podcast episode

Show Notes with Links:

  • Frank Demith tells us who he is today, and talks about his recent graduation from the Deliberate Discomfort Challenge, making him a member of the Endless 6.
  • Frank’s novel earned the title of Best Military Book in 2023 from the International Impact Book Awards.
  • We discuss former Sergeant Major Bill Armstrong’s influence on Frank, and his Facebook post about all of the “firsts” Frank presented him with, including: “First saxophone player I ever enlisted into the Army band, first recruit I ever had go to West Point, first person who owned a Mustang II and later rebounded and became a REAL car aficionado with the truck and the jeep, and now as far as I know, the first published author.” 
Frank in his “thinking hat”!
  • He tells us how he learned to write creatively.
  • I ask, “Who are you in this novel?”
  • We discuss the characters Al Khafaji and Abdullah (and others).
  • His novel is extremely detail oriented, which made me feel like I was right there in the chow line with his characters.
  • We discuss his character development…from strongest to weakest… and their growth, and how realistic the dialogue is.
Frank and another 1983 West Point classmate, Lorraine Lesieur, taken at a book signing at Barnes and Noble in Ashburn, VA
  • I ask him about leadership lessons in his 28 years of service, the scene in his novel with the young Lieutenant, and West Point leadership lessons.
  • Frank captures the pre-deployment intensity, stress, excitement, fear, and the unknown…and how there’s never enough time for true preparation.
  • “Not my circus, not my monkeys” (we discuss).
  • “Hope is not a method” (we discuss).
  • I ask what Frank hopes for the future of our nation.
  • After reading Frank’s work, I believe his soldiers loved and respected him.
  • I challenge him to recite the DEFINITION of LEATHER, and although I leave out a few words, we stumble through it!
“Firstie” Cadet Frank Demith
  • What’s next? Frank has a deal now through Flag Day (June 14th) where he’ll donate $1 from each purchase to the “Warrior Rising” project.
  • A shout-out to Franks fabulous wife and to another classmate, Michael “Mac” Crumlin.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Laurel Stuff:

“Firstie” Cadet Laurel Bernier (that’s me! Just about 40ish years ago!)

Have a new book? Want me to help you market it? Find my services HERE!

Find my other work here!

Please subscribe to Alligator Preserves on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts, and tell your friends about it! I’d love it if you “liked” the episodes you listen to, and I’d love it even more if you’d post a quick comment!

Author Interview Books Podcast

CHERYL ILOV is The Reluctant Ninja!

“How a Middle-Aged Princess Became a Warrior Queen”

Watch this fascinating interview with author and warrior queen Cheryl Ilov!
Audio-only version of our visit!

Show Notes with Links:

  • We met at The Book Nook run by author Jerry Fabyanic during the Georgetown Christmas Market
  • While doing the “Doctor Dance,” Cheryl was told she was too old for school and labeled a chronic pain patient
  • I ask if she was born with the no-quit spirit and she talks about her ancestors and the line of resilient people (including her father who couldn’t speak English when he immigrated to the U.S. with his parents)
  • She is the 3rd of 5 girls
  • Cheryl started Martial arts after years of her acupuncturist’s haranguing, at the age of 47
  • In 20 years of teaching, Cheryl is her sensei’s first female black belt
  • I ask why she was anxious after the release of The Reluctant Ninja: How a Middle-Aged Princess Became a Warrior Queen
  • How does Cheryl respond to those who are critical of her work?
  • Great humor in the book! Cheryl talks about being called “light in the ass,” and a time when she “missed” a high thigh skin grab (and grabbed something else!)
Link to purchase Cheryl’s book!
  • We talk about leadership lessons and why her sensei was often unreasonably difficult
  • For women who are interested in martial arts but who have reason to protect their bones (such as someone with osteoporosis), Cheryl suggests Tai Chi
  • Cheryl talks about how to avoid an attack: Evade/Deflect/Redirect
  • After reading a passage about Cheryl’s love of ballet, I ask her if she had to give up one (ballet or martial arts), which would she give up?
  • Cheryl talks about her supportive husband and how he was stunned by her performance
  • Cheryl host the Femininja Podcast
  • Her first book, Forever Fit and Flexible is also available
  • Contact Cheryl if you’re interested in learning more about how to find the warrior spirit within you and how to pick a dojo/school that will work for you.

Laurel Stuff:

After awarding my (now 30+ year-old) son his new belt…a few years back when I helped teach young’uns the art of Taekwondo!

Have a new book? Want me to help you market it? Find my services HERE!

Find my other work here!

Please subscribe to Alligator Preserves on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts, and tell your friends about it! I’d love it if you “liked” the episodes you listen to, and I’d love it even more if you’d post a quick comment!

Author Interview Books Podcast Writing

Author/Philosopher Santos CS Bermejo

The Medway Tales
Seven Modern Fables

Visit with us here!
Audio-only version

Show Notes with Links: The Medway Tales by Author Santos CS Bermejo and artist Luisto+Quintanar

  • Santos tells us about himself and why he ended up in England
  • He discusses quotes from C.S. Lewis, Luis Pasteur, and Bernard of Chartres
  • His seven stories are reminiscent of Aesop’s Fables, and his characters are unique
  • He mentions fables he remembers from childhood
  • One of his goals is to teach children how to think. We discuss today’s youths and the challenges they believe they have
  • We talk about how fables can be discussed on many levels

The Medway Tales seven stories:

  • 1–Senor Huevo
  • 2–Cheeky Little Mole Tillo
  • 3–Hyena Helena and the Mink Scarf
  • 4–Amik, the Architect
  • 5–This Little Squirrel Called Rita
  • 6–Water Eddies
  • 7–Little Rainy Things
  • We discuss learning from observing nature and American Theoretical Physicist Richard Feynman
  • Fabulous illustrations by Luistomas Quintanar (Luisto+Quintanar)
  • Santos mentions author  Juan Ramón Jiménez‘s book Platero and I
  • He tells us which is his favorite tale
Presentation of the Spanish edition of The Medway Tales

Laurel Stuff:

Have a new book? Want me to help you market it? Find my services HERE!

Find my other work here!

Please subscribe to Alligator Preserves on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts, and tell your friends about it! I’d love it if you “liked” the episodes you listen to, and I’d love it even more if you’d post a quick comment!

Author Interview Books Interview Podcast Writing

Author Annie Dawid’s Novel “Paradise Undone”

A Novel of Jonestown

Enjoy this fascinating visit with Annie Dawid
Audio-only version of our visit

Show Notes with Links:

  • Annie introduces herself and discusses her fascination with the stories of Jonestown victims.
  • She explains her decisions to follow four characters: two nonfiction (Mother Marceline–Jones’ wife, and Ambassador Virgil Nascimento–not his real name, but a real person) and two composite characters (“Watts,” an African-American man who escaped on the day of the massacre, and “Truth,” a young, white devotee).
  • I ask Annie if the victims of Jonestown–@300 minors, 300 elderly, 300 adults, mostly poor, female, and African-American–were easy targets for a cult leader.
  • Journalist Kenyatta’s interview of Watts, which flows through the novel, is fascinating and reads like an actual transcription.
  • We discuss Jones’ quotations throughout the novel and how they demonstrate his slide into megalomania.
Tribune article
  • We discuss “Mother Marceline” and how she was able to turn the other cheek when it was clear Jones was sleeping with many women. “No one gets to have everything.” How she became a sort of martyr, and her complicity in the ultimate mass murders.
  • We talk about the Shakahola Forest Incident/Massacre (May of 2023) and I ask how we can educate people are ignorant of cults.
  • Annie talks about the warning signs of possible cult behavior.
  • Annie will speak at the Salida Regional Library on May 8th at 5:30 p.m.
Paradise Undone

Links to Annie Dawid’s social media and previous interviews:

 Talk Radio Europe, 11/30 for recording,

 Podcast BOOKABLE SPACE, UK,  2/1/24 live

 CookieBiscuit Q&A Blog November 18

Dec 27 youtube w/Peter O YouTube on the 31st Dec.


1. The Jonestown Report:

2. Women Writers Website, UK, 11.18.23 

Laurel Stuff:

Have a new book? Want me to help you market it? Find my services HERE!

Find my other work here!

Please subscribe to Alligator Preserves on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts, and tell your friends about it! I’d love it if you “liked” the episodes you listen to, and I’d love it even more if you’d post a quick comment!

Author Interview Books Interview Writing

Author Spirit Ricks Shares Lessons for Living a Virtuous Life

Visit with us here!
Audio-only version of our visit!

Show Notes with Links:

  • Author Spirit Ricks talks about his life experiences and how he wrote A Woman’s Guide to a Virtuous Man and a Man’s Guide to Virtue
  • He talks about who he is, and how he raised his children to be shepherds, not sheep.
  • It takes courage to tell the truth! Parents should be a child’s relief, not a punisher.
  • “Put the mirror in front of ourselves” to see the truth. Bad choices do not define us.
  • He talks about why our children might talk to others rather than ourselves.
  • (we’ve all made mistakes and we turned out okay!)
  • Spirit Ricks discusses witnessing a difficult childbirth and how it affected him. A woman’s labor…and how God labors for us.
  • I ask if we can learn humility, and he tells us how, and why it’s more challenging today.
  • The beginning of any journey requires a person ready for it.
  • Spirit talks about his mother and how she will have eternal life through him! I ask about his mother’s sayings.
  • “Don’t get caught up in what you see” in terms of other people.
  • I ask if we can find good in bad examples. “Without a doubt”!
  • Spirit talks about his first 25 years, before he learned how to live a virtuous life.
His Book!
  • Spirit wants to leave people better than when he found them.
  • He talks about his vision, and the book of his life.
  • Spirit talks about how to forgive…and try to forget!
  • Follow Spirit Ricks at

Laurel Stuff:

Have a new book? Want me to help you market it? Find my services HERE!

Find my other work here!

Please subscribe to Alligator Preserves on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts, and tell your friends about it! I’d love it if you “liked” the episodes you listen to, and I’d love it even more if you’d post a quick comment!