Author Interview Books Podcast

Awesome Aussie Author Adam Jones!

What He Has Learned from BOOKS!

Visit with Adam Jones in this entertaining YouTube interview! What You Will Learn…

Learn more about Adam “Jonesy” Jones on their “About Us” page!
Here’s the Audio-only version of our visit!


  • Adam Jones shares his early morning routine.
  • Jonesy tell us how the podcast “What You Will Learn” started!
  • His first impactful book: How to Win Friends and Influence People.
  • How their episodes improved.
  • Decisions about the title of their book The Sh*T They Never Taught You: What You Can Learn from Books.
  • He talks about how he has improved his retention (layers!)
  • He discusses initial goals (overcoming verbal tics, comfort zone, etc.)
  • Discussion about the Stoics and Stoic philosophy.
  • How this book is different from others.
  • Who’s “the boss”?!
  • How they select the next book to assess.
  • I suggest the book Ordinary Magic: A Father-Son Journey on the Colorado Trail by Todd Fahnestock.
  • Salida Book Store owner John Cameron suggests the books Braiding Sweetgrass and Midnight in Chernobyl.
  • What was his most challenging interview?
  • Has any interview changed his opinion about a book?
  • How has the pandemic affected him?
  • Was creating this book (as Daniel Kahneman confessed) “torture”?
  • How has creating this book changed him?
  • Which section was the most enjoyable to research?
  • Vices! How he quit smoking and other vices (and I confess to my chocoholism)! Allen Carr’s Easy Way to Stop Smoking.
  • What’s next, and Jonesy delivers a final message/suggestion!
Learn more about co-author podcast hosts Adam Ashton and Adam Jones HERE!
Meanwhile, I’m working on a new science fiction series and just published my first coloring book for the Waterwight series!
(Photo Credit: Elise Sunday)

Find my other work here!

Please subscribe to Alligator Preserves on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts, and tell your friends about it! I’d love it if you “liked” the episodes you listen to, and I’d love it even more if you’d post a quick comment!

Author Interview Books

Todd Fahnestock’s Epic Adventures!

You’re going to want to travel with him!

Visit with us on YouTube!
Todd and his son–Dash–at the 400-mile point on the Colorado Trail!
Audio-only version of our visit


  • I first met Todd Fahnestock at the Georgetown “Book Nook” Christmas Market! Pretty sure it will happen this year!
  • Our mutual friend, author/podcast host/all-around-wonderful-person Jerry Fabyanic hosts the Book Nook!
  • We discuss FANEXPO Denver, where Todd and I will have tables this year at the Convention Center Halloween Weekend!
  • Todd talks about his many books, why he wrote “Charlie Fiction,” when he knew he was going to start writing, his early epic fantasy inspirations, and how he always wanted MORE action!
  • I ask about his many accolades, and we discuss how external motivation (as opposed to internal) can be a negative thing!
  • We discuss “Summer of the Fetch” and he reads chapter 1 of “Ordinary Magic”
  • He gets personal about stories involving his wife’s horrific accident and his son’s growth arc throughout their father/son journey on the Colorado Trail
  • I suggest he send his “Altra Olympus 4” electric blue shoes to the company for replacement! (Have you done it yet, Todd?!)
  • He talks about his growth arc as an author and what will come next!
  • Find his books on Amazon or on his website or at any bookstore!
Evening of “The Great Fart”…you’ve got to read Ordinary Magic!
Meanwhile, I’m working on a new science fiction series and just published my first coloring book for the Waterwight series!
(Photo Credit: Elise Sunday)

Find my other work here!

Please subscribe to Alligator Preserves on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts, and tell your friends about it! I’d love it if you “liked” the episodes you listen to, and I’d love it even more if you’d post a quick comment!

Author Interview Books Writing

Scott Thomas Knows HORROR!

Meet him in this fascinating interview!

Visit with us in the YouTube video above!

Show Notes with Links:

  • Scott Thomas, award-winning author of horror–“Kill Creek,” “Violet,”(and other things!) and screen writer for TV Movies and teleplays for networks including Netflix, SyFy, MTV, VH1, the CW, Disney,Nickelodeon, ABC . . .
  • We talk about Kill Creek and decisions Scott made and changed during its creation.
Award-winning Kill Creek
  • He talks about the difference between plot and story.
  • He tells us what scared him as a child . . . and now, and why he thinks some people enjoy horror.
  • He discusses his planning vs. “pantsing” and the “Save the Cat” format.
  • He talks about the expectation of horror and if anything is taboo.
His second book Violet
  • How does he answer the “Kill, Marry, Sleep with” question?!
  • Find his books on Amazon, B&N, Inkshares, or any bookstore, and contact him on Facebook and Twitter (@ninjawhenever)
Audio-only version of Scott Thomas Interview (above)
Thank you, Scott Thomas! There’s nothing “boring” about you!
Meanwhile, I’m working on a new science fiction series and coloring book for the Waterwight series!
(Photo Credit: Elise Sunday)

Find my other work here!

Please subscribe to Alligator Preserves on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts, and tell your friends about it! I’d love it if you “liked” the episodes you listen to, and I’d love it even more if you’d post a quick comment!

Author Interview Books Writing

Meet Author/Publisher Kelly Lynn Colby!

Enjoy this lively visit with talented author/publisher Kelly Lynn Colby!
“Audio only” version of our visit (click above)!

Show Notes with Links:

Kelly’s page-turner: The Collector
Meanwhile, I’m working on a new science fiction series! (Photo Credit: Elise Sunday)

Find my other work here!

Please subscribe to Alligator Preserves on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts, and tell your friends about it! I’d love it if you “liked” the episodes you listen to, and I’d love it even more if you’d post a quick comment!

Author Interview Books

Kathleen Kaska Knows Sherlock Holmes!

Award-winning author Kathleen Kaska entertains me with Sherlock Holmes trivia and updates on several other works in progress!
Audio-only version of my visit with Kathleen Kaska!

Show Notes with Links:

  • Kathleen Kaska returns for an interview about her latest release: The Sherlock Holmes Quiz Book
  • She talks about her life as a multi-genre author
  • Here’s a link to our visit from February 2019 when we discussed her awesome book A Two Horse Town:
  • She has three books of “triviography” on her favorite authors and characters: Agatha Christie, Alfred Hitchcock, and Sherlock Holmes (the character!)
  • Kathleen discusses her research methods and her biggest challenge
  • She discusses what makes Sherlock Holmes seem so “real,” and the idea that his character is portrayed with an imbalance between logic and emotion
  • The many “Hollywood Holmes” characters and her favorite
  • We discuss fascinating facts about Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and what he has in common with Kathleen
  • Kathleen talks about animal rights activism and the remarkable book she wrote about “The Man Who Saved the Whooping Crane,” and I tell her about my ducks
  • She gives shout-outs tells us about several books currently in progress and the Sherlock Holmes society she established ten years ago
The author with her latest release

Discover more about author Kathleen Kaska, follow her, and order her books here:

Cheers to you, author Kathleen Kaska! Brava!!!
Meanwhile, I’m working on a new science fiction series! (Photo Credit: Elise Sunday)

Find my other work here!

Please subscribe to Alligator Preserves on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts, and tell your friends about it! I’d love it if you “liked” the episodes you listen to, and I’d love it even more if you’d post a quick comment!
