Rock Hudson (born Roy Sherer) with Gunther in Hawaii
Show Notes with Links:
Author Gunther Allen‘s background is filled with diverse activities: He taught aerobics in the ‘80s, (partially) painted the round World Arena for the 1984 Olympic Games, was a big deal on TV in Australia demonstrating the new Nautilus 20-minute workout, toured with the Long Beach University Chorus, took 1st place Water Polo trophy, steer wrestled, worked in photography and graphic arts, and is still a compassionate supporter of the LGBTQIA+ community.
And, according to the legendary Rock Hudson, Gunther was pretty cute!
He tells us how he met Rock Hudson at the Silver Fox in Long Beach.
Gunther plays guitar, and Rock asked him to play a party he was hosting at Dean Dittman’s place. (At 2 a.m., he finally played “the Whales,” astonishing everyone at the party).
He invited Hudson to his parent’s home on the BIG Island, where he visited and found solace in Gunther’s friendship. I ask him about the kiss.
left to right: Rock Hudson, Gunther’s mom, Gunther Allen, Gunther’s father
I ask him about how the “fake news” threatened and ultimately outed him.
Gunther had many impromptu performances and chance meetings with stars.
The book is filled with intricate details and moments of suspense.
He talks about how–with stage fright and dyslexia–he still managed to perform for an audience.
Gunther received a telegram from Elizabeth Taylor to attend Hudson’s memorial service.
In 1989, Gunther had intimate relations with Mark Christian, who lied about being AIDS free.
Gunther is telling his story now to tell world about Mark Christian’s many lies and the court battle over Hudson’s estate.
I ask Gunther about how Rock said goodbye to him.
Gunther’s book is a testament to a man who “wanted to please everyone…” He was a genuine person who made people aware of the AIDS crisis.
In his epilogue, Gunther calls himself an “ordinary person.” I would beg to differ.
Gunther Allenwith his husband, Daniel R. Warden
Gunther Allen brings Rock Hudson to life in a way no other biographer could.
But first, I ask him when he first realized he could make people laugh. His answer will surprise you!
He talks about the troubles he had at school because of learning disabilities, and his early jobs selling encyclopedias and “fairly good” roast beef sandwiches! He attended Boston Latin School.
One of his chapters is about his interesting face. In FACE IT—for no apparent reason, people tell him how much $$$ they have . . . and swear they’ve seen him on TV! (I’m frequently told I look like someone’s aunt or grandmother…)
I believe RoBEAR has a fabulous face! I would like to draw this face!
He talks about his character Mr. Fridge.
In his chapter about hugging (he was not hugged as a child), he talks about how not everyone is a “good hugger.” He praises his very loving wife, Esther, for her affectionate nature.
The author with his wife Esther, his daughter Sarah, and his granddaughter Finleigh
He talks about what a difficult life it is for comedians, having to try to make people laugh night after night, because humor is so very subjective.
RoBEAR confesses to his habit of buying gadgets advertised on TV. His chapter A Collection of Nothing might strike a chord!
Kitty Arceneaux is a wife, mother, author, minister, life coach, book coach, MUSE for other writers, non-profit leader . . .I ask her what has she NOT yet been?
Dyani’s Adventures is about a 9-year-old girl. I ask Kitty how much of the main character is autobiographical.
Dyani wants to learn and experience outside her comfort zone . . . so many don’t! We talk about why people are hesitant to explore new traditions, foods, and languages.
Dyani visits people from Brazil, China, Mexico, Asia, Egypt, Africa, Italy, Iran, and Japan, and learns an important message from an artist, who tells her to embrace the unexpected.
I ask if Kitty was surprised by anything as she wrote this book.
Most of her books are Christian themed, but her messages in “Dyani’s Adventures” are universal: Patience, understanding, willingness to listen, and love.
My first interview of 2025 is with Wes Wells, son of (the late) author John Keith Wells, US Marine Corps. Wes shares his father’s life and stunning story.
I read from the Prologue to give readers a sense for what is to come in this first-person account of the atmosphere just before battle:
“Dim outlines began taking shape near the base of Mount Suribachi. I threw the white wool Japanese Navy blanket off my shoulders and laid my Tommy gun on top of it. The captured warm blanket that our platoon runner had literally risked his life for would be of no use in today’s battle; it would be left behind. Nothing, I mean absolutely nothing, had a meaning. Not home, not mother, not wife, not children, not girlfriend, not hometown, not cold, hot, or hungry-nothing mattered except today’s forthcoming battle, and it would commence very soon.”
Description by Wes Wells: “One of the last pictures of Easy Company together. The man in the middle with the walker is Chuck Lindberg. He was in both Flag Raising pics. The man to his right is Richard (Dick) Wheeler. Famous historical writer mainly about the civil war. He also wrote several books about Iwo Jima. He helped dad get material, names and whatever dad wanted for this book. Google him, he was a great person.”
His description of basic training and getting gear thrown at him…he uses figurative language his English teacher would have rewarded!
Why did he write this stunning history? Wes discusses his father’s goal for the book.
I mention the “Short arm” inspection, which my dad told me about years ago! The author doesn’t hold back any details.
Iwo Jima was one of the bloodiest battles in WW2 Marine Corps history, and Wells has graphic depictions of battle. He was 23 years old.
Description by Wes Wells: “The tall, younger man in the dark suit is Oliver North. Dad went to go see him give a talk and when he found out that dad was there, he wanted to meet and have a picture taken with him.”
I ask about his father’s embedded shrapnel and other wounds, and if they influenced him in any way.
Wes talks about the iconic “Flag raising” photo and surrounding controversy.
Description by Wes Wells: “Mom and Dad with Laura and President Bush. They had breakfast together.”
Wes describes his father as having tremendous confidence and an honorable bearing that drew people to him. His was a great storyteller. I ask if he was “squeaky clean,” and Wes reads a humorous passage about an incident at a USO show!
Description by Wes Wells of photo above: “Me and Jimmy Chappell… Interesting story. He served in the Marines and became a school art teacher. Many years ago dad would go to Midland, Tx to do business and mom would go to craft shows. She ran across an artist that had that pic he drew of the flag raising. Did you notice it only had 48 stars????? Jimmy told me this story after dad died. Mom made the comment that her husband commanded that platoon. She did not buy the pic, but he always remembered her. When dad passed he contacted me and told me this story. He came out to dads funeral where the ex-commandant of the Marine Corp and Governor Perry performed the service. Dad got a a Marine Corp Fly-over and a 21 gun salute. His motorcade was over a mile and surrounded by the Patriot Guard Motorcycle group. In the picture frame, there is a picture of the funeral and 14 shell casings. Jimmy went after everyone left with a metal detector and found all the 14 casings. The other 7 are with the flag. He gave that picture to me and the family to have… Great guy, Great Patriot.”
The book includes historic photos, one with Pvt Robeson, who is shirtless, with Charles Lindberg . . . identical photos taken 32 years apart.
Description by Wes Wells: “Dad with the shorter man is Joe Rosenthal. He was the photographer that took that iconic photo of the second flag raising.”
John Keith Wells died days short of his 94th bday. We talk about people from “The Greatest Generation” and why we think they lived such long lives.
I ask Wes what he will remember most about his father.
Description by Wes Wells: “Me and dad in his 90’s showing him an iPad. He so loved technology.”
To learn more about John Keith Wells and the battle of Iwo Jima, buy his book HERE and consider purchasing the audio book when it comes out soon.
I thank Wes for sharing his father’s life and story.
(John) Keith Wells and wife Kathryn Wells
Laurel Stuff:
Me (standing right corner) with my West Point Company D-1 classmates.
Have a new book? Want me to help you market it? Let me know!
Bestselling and Highly Acclaimed Author of Romance and Women’s Fiction!
Beverly Jenkins was a keynote speaker at the 2024 RMFW Colorado Gold Writers Conference! Visit with us here on YouTube.
Podcast (audio only) version
Show Notes with Links:
Chosen USA TODAY’s best-selling author of Romance and Women’s Fiction, today’s guest is the highly acclaimed author Beverly Jenkins.
We met at this year’s RMFW Colorado Gold Writers Conference, where Beverly was the keynote speaker. I brag about her accomplishments and kudos.
She was one of the Black Readers Conference’s keynote speakers in 2021at which time she was THE most read author in the Canon with 6 books, followed by Toni Morrison, Octavia Butler, and Tiffany D. Jackson, with 4 books each.
Beverly’s RMFW Keynote speech was inspiring and–like her–funny!
She talks about being the editor of her elementary school’s newspaper in the 4th grade – The Myra Jones Elementary School COMET – but had no dreams of being a writer. Her dream job was to work in a library, which she eventually did. I ask how her library work inspired her storytelling, and she talks about her family of readers…and how her parents weren’t even allowed to check out books from their segregated library.
I ask when she first developed confidence in her ability to tell a story.
Avon Books called in June 1993 to say they wanted to buy her first book—Night Song. After it was published in the summer of 1994, Avon kept sending her contracts and she kept sending back books.
Al Roker says Beverly’s storytelling is “uplifting and engaging and proves it really does take a village.” Beverly discusses adopted and foster children (she adopted her son when he was five).
In a Goodreads interview December 2020, she talked about her author platform and said, “there’s enough light for everybody, and if I can shine my light on somebody who’s just coming out, or somebody who’s struggling, or somebody who just needs a little slight push to the center of the stage, why wouldn’t I do that? It doesn’t take anything away from me. I still got the light, I’ve still got my platform, so it’s much better to be kind than be a bitch.”
Speaking of being a bitch, I ask her to tell the story about the “Literary Fiction” author on the bus.
Many of her books are about African-American life in the 19th Century.
We talk about To Catch a Raven: Amazon Editor’s Pick for Best Romance! With historical details, espionage, a heist, suspense, a prophetic child, multiple cons, fabulous characters, FUN, a strong, smart woman lead and the steamy Braxton Steele . . . OOOOH!
Sooooo good!
It’s 3rd in the Women Who Dare series, and each book is a stand-alone read.
p. 271: Raven wonders “if the country would ever value the men of the race the way their loved ones did.” We discuss this, and Beverly talks about how her writing is also a tribute to Black men.
What’s in the works? Beverly is a fantasy reader and plans to write a story with a black woman riding a dragon!
If only! She showed me what she had hidden under her top just before her keynote speech!
She provides wonderful advice to authors and those who hope to be authors.
He talks about the title of his debut novel and provides an elevator pitch.
He tells us how he decided to write fiction after being a nonfiction author.
Author Jeff Giles
We discuss our thoughts about what lies beyond this mortal realm .
Reviewers across the board have indicated their delight in Jeff’s unique perspective on the afterlife.
His character Frank is wonderful, so we talk about him.
I ask about some fun allusions [Cyrus tells Langley, “We’re all counting on you,” an Airplane reference? And secret decoder ring, Christmas Story? Jeff includes many cultural tidbits from the ’60s, ’70s, ’80s.
I ask about the idea of the SPINE of the universe.
Meat pudding, Steven the mockingbird, a literal windbag. “With the sound of a fart…” Jeff peppers his narrative with delightfully humorous phrases and characters.
We discuss looking at formative experiences from a different perspective when we’re grown.
His characters address the Yin/yang balance in everything.
We get a little political about Cyrus’s perspective.
I ask what he has learned about himself now that he has completed and launched this novel.
Jeff provides some great advice to those contemplating trying their hand at novel writing.
Her MC, Dani, flees to a tiny town in Colorado that feels completely real.
Characters in this novel…as in all…are real and wonderful. I ask if any are based on people she knows. “CAREFUL, OR YOU’LL END UP IN MY NOVEL” (the sign in my guest bathroom!)
We discuss her characters and how they made it into her work (Irma and her dog Elmer, Jess the wounded former Marine, that beeotch Polly)!
How has your ballroom dancing influenced Helen’s writing?
Photos below show Helen dancing with her teacher, Isaac Lynn, at Arthur Murray Studio in Boulder
The CRIME STOPPERS broadcast also adds lots of tension!
Helen talks about how she captured the idea of trust so well, and how it adds to the tension between Dani and Jess.
“Undercurrents of romance”…that tension…Helen takes us through her process of putting this novel together.
Amber Herbert’s debut novel is Lipstick Covered Magnet, a “genre-bending debut that weaves the intricacies of healing with delusion and suspense.”
She gives us an elevator pitch for this novel geared toward college-age readers.
Amber discusses her inspiration for writing a book about stalking as her debut nove.
Lyrics from the song “Lipstick Covered Magnet” by the group The Front Bottoms were in line with her story.
We talk about delusional characters, how she got into Connor’s mind (the stalker), and how she interwove the story line between the two main characters.