Author Interview Books Writing

Scott Thomas Knows HORROR!

Meet him in this fascinating interview!

Visit with us in the YouTube video above!

Show Notes with Links:

  • Scott Thomas, award-winning author of horror–“Kill Creek,” “Violet,”(and other things!) and screen writer for TV Movies and teleplays for networks including Netflix, SyFy, MTV, VH1, the CW, Disney,Nickelodeon, ABC . . .
  • We talk about Kill Creek and decisions Scott made and changed during its creation.
Award-winning Kill Creek
  • He talks about the difference between plot and story.
  • He tells us what scared him as a child . . . and now, and why he thinks some people enjoy horror.
  • He discusses his planning vs. “pantsing” and the “Save the Cat” format.
  • He talks about the expectation of horror and if anything is taboo.
His second book Violet
  • How does he answer the “Kill, Marry, Sleep with” question?!
  • Find his books on Amazon, B&N, Inkshares, or any bookstore, and contact him on Facebook and Twitter (@ninjawhenever)
Audio-only version of Scott Thomas Interview (above)
Thank you, Scott Thomas! There’s nothing “boring” about you!
Meanwhile, I’m working on a new science fiction series and coloring book for the Waterwight series!
(Photo Credit: Elise Sunday)

Find my other work here!

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Books Writing

“Lucky Bucks!”

A debut novel by a young author!

Just about 1 year ago, Katherine Stead committed to writing a book. Destined to spending most of her 3rd grade year in a remote learning situation, she craved more of a challenge than her online homework could provide.

For 1/2 hour every Wednesday morning (with few exceptions), this young author met with me over Zoom, and little by little, her story emerged.

Lucky Bucks! is a delightful “young reader” story about sibling rivalry and power. It’s a coming-of-age story that will resonate with anyone who has ever been a sibling and anyone who has witnessed the complex interaction of siblings. Embellished with one full-color illustration per chapter (15 chapters).

This story will leave you smiling!

Full disclosure: Katherine (Katie) is my 9-y-o great-niece! I had a blast helping her with this project and illustrating her book!

Would you please share this email with everyone with young readers? Thank you!

Books Laurel on Life

What Can We Control?

Not much, but maybe . . . enough.

“Raindrops on Roses” and Wildfires in Forests…

That is not my favorite song this year. But while I’m saddened by the flash floods, the mud slides, the fires raging out of control, the ongoing political turmoil, the conspiracy theories, the persistent pandemic, I’m reminded that the radius to the edge of my circle of influence remains a stone’s throw away. As I stand in the center of my circle, I can choose either to complain, to feel trapped, helpless, and defeated . . . or to feel inspired to put more effort into those things within my ability to control, if only slightly.

  • I cannot control the weather.
  • I cannot control our government.
  • I cannot control those with opinions contrary to mine.
  • I cannot control this dastardly virus.
  • I can make the area around our home safer, I can minimize my carbon footprint, and I can remember I won’t melt in the rain (even on my witchiest of days!).
  • I can research issues and candidates intelligently and exercise my right to vote.
  • I can choose not to engage with those on social media platforms whose goals are to spread unsubstantiated falsehoods and provoke hatred, fear, and anger. 
  • I can follow the guidelines recommended by legitimate professionals to keep myself healthy and to encourage others to do the same.

I’ve been working for hours in our garden and around our home recently because the unusual amount of rain this year where we live has caused an explosion of weeds–some lovely, most not so. How I wish I could wave my witchy wand and send the downpours to surrounding fires. 

Here’s my latest YouTube video in which I share our garden and the magnificent efforts my husband invested to create the perfect place for veggies to conquer weeds (with help, of course)! Dirty Hoe Days!

I choose to be inspired. How about you?


Meanwhile, I’m working on a new science fiction series! (Photo Credit: Elise Sunday)

Find my other work here!

Please subscribe to Alligator Preserves on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts, and tell your friends about it! I’d love it if you “liked” the episodes you listen to, and I’d love it even more if you’d post a quick comment!

Author Interview Books Writing

Meet Author/Publisher Kelly Lynn Colby!

Enjoy this lively visit with talented author/publisher Kelly Lynn Colby!
“Audio only” version of our visit (click above)!

Show Notes with Links:

Kelly’s page-turner: The Collector
Meanwhile, I’m working on a new science fiction series! (Photo Credit: Elise Sunday)

Find my other work here!

Please subscribe to Alligator Preserves on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts, and tell your friends about it! I’d love it if you “liked” the episodes you listen to, and I’d love it even more if you’d post a quick comment!

Author Interview Books

Kathleen Kaska Knows Sherlock Holmes!

Award-winning author Kathleen Kaska entertains me with Sherlock Holmes trivia and updates on several other works in progress!
Audio-only version of my visit with Kathleen Kaska!

Show Notes with Links:

  • Kathleen Kaska returns for an interview about her latest release: The Sherlock Holmes Quiz Book
  • She talks about her life as a multi-genre author
  • Here’s a link to our visit from February 2019 when we discussed her awesome book A Two Horse Town:
  • She has three books of “triviography” on her favorite authors and characters: Agatha Christie, Alfred Hitchcock, and Sherlock Holmes (the character!)
  • Kathleen discusses her research methods and her biggest challenge
  • She discusses what makes Sherlock Holmes seem so “real,” and the idea that his character is portrayed with an imbalance between logic and emotion
  • The many “Hollywood Holmes” characters and her favorite
  • We discuss fascinating facts about Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and what he has in common with Kathleen
  • Kathleen talks about animal rights activism and the remarkable book she wrote about “The Man Who Saved the Whooping Crane,” and I tell her about my ducks
  • She gives shout-outs tells us about several books currently in progress and the Sherlock Holmes society she established ten years ago
The author with her latest release

Discover more about author Kathleen Kaska, follow her, and order her books here:

Cheers to you, author Kathleen Kaska! Brava!!!
Meanwhile, I’m working on a new science fiction series! (Photo Credit: Elise Sunday)

Find my other work here!

Please subscribe to Alligator Preserves on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts, and tell your friends about it! I’d love it if you “liked” the episodes you listen to, and I’d love it even more if you’d post a quick comment!


Books Writing

A Waterwight Christmas: Beyond Book III

A new take on a story old as time!

I hope you might listen to this special Christmas story!

With Christmas Eve just a week and a day away, I decided to listen to the story I wrote a year ago about what Christmas day might be like in the aftermath of events in my Waterwight trilogy. It was a fun way to bring back favorite characters from the series . . . and I discovered that I missed them! Spoiler alert–if you listen, you will discover some plot details.

To prevent spoilers, you may want to read the series first! It’s available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle versions, and Book I is available in audiobook with narrator Sandra Murphy.

We’ve almost made it to 2021. Hang in there, my friends.

I’m working on a new science fiction series! (Photo Credit: Elise Sunday)

Find my other work here!

Please subscribe to Alligator Preserves on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts, and tell your friends about it! I’d love it if you “liked” the episodes you listen to, and I’d love it even more if you’d post a quick comment!

Books Laurel on Life

Do You TikTok Too?

I may have lost my mind!

Yup. I’ve gone and done it.

Don’t judge me! Or do. It’s all okay. As this most insane year comes to an end, my goal is to find something beautiful and something to make me laugh every day. If I can make you laugh . . . or smile . . . too, then what I’ve done was worth doing!

Enjoy my duck wrangling adventures. I even talk about them in my latest book collaboration Peace by Piece: 10 Lessons from a Jigsaw Puzzle!

Peace by Piece: 10 Lessons from a Jigsaw Puzzle!

“Pair it” with a real jigsaw puzzle for a holiday gift this year! It’s filled with humor and life lessons and puzzle lore and, you know it, ducks!

We’ve almost made it to 2021. Hang in there, my friends.

Hope you all have a “5-egg day” today!

Find my other work here!

Please subscribe to Alligator Preserves on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts, and tell your friends about it! I’d love it if you “liked” the episodes you listen to, and I’d love it even more if you’d post a quick comment!

Books Laurel on Life

Read a Book!

or two or three or . . .

Author Laurel McHargue is working on a new science fiction series!
(Photo Credit: Elise Sunday)

Check out the many multi-genre offerings from award-winning author Laurel McHargue HERE!

If you enjoy an author’s work, would you let them know by taking a few minutes to leave a review? Positive reviews on Amazon and Goodreads are important…and so very appreciated…by indie authors (like me)! Thank you!

In honor of those looking for a quick, fun, unique “escape” this holiday season, co-authors Laurel McHargue and Nadine Collier are offering their book Peace by Piece: 10 Lessons from a Jigsaw Puzzle! as a free Kindle download from November 25 through November 29. They hope you will enjoy this jigsaw-inspired self-help book and will find humor and helpful suggestions for ways to cope with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. (If you enjoy this free gift, please share with a friend and post a quick review on Amazon!)

Peace by Piece: 10 Lessons from a Jigsaw Puzzle! (available SOON in audiobook!)
Happy Thanksgiving!

Find my other work here!

Please subscribe to Alligator Preserves on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts, and tell your friends about it! I’d love it if you “liked” the episodes you listen to, and I’d love it even more if you’d post a quick comment!

Books Laurel on Life

All Out of Fudge

… is what my husband heard!

Elk Hunting in Colorado, 2020
Here’s what really happened!

Show Notes with Links

  • Listen to my episode to hear how a misunderstanding led to hilarity during this year’s unsuccessful hunting season!
  • For more stories about the magnificence of the Colorado outdoors and the struggles I’ve endured while hunting with my husband, check out my book Hunt for Red Meat (love stories)!
  • This piece is published in the November issue of Colorado Central Magazine! You should subscribe!
Hunting the wily elk with my tireless husband!

Find my other work here!

Please subscribe to Alligator Preserves on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts, and tell your friends about it! I’d love it if you “liked” the episodes you listen to, and I’d love it even more if you’d post a quick comment!

Books Laurel on Life Writing

“Peace by Piece: 10 Lessons from a Jigsaw Puzzle!”

Fun lessons about life in an age of pandemic

The 2,000-piece “monster” I talk about in the book! So many memorable lessons!
Mark Lumb hosts this interview with Nadine and me about our new book! FUN!

Show Notes with Links:

  • Mark Lumb, creator of the Jigsaw Chill Zone Facebook page and YouTube channel, interviewed Nadine and me about our entertaining new book Peace by Piece: 10 Lessons from a Jigsaw Puzzle! Please follow Mark and share his links with anyone you know who enjoys puzzling. Mark’s YouTube channel showcases time-lapse photography of puzzle completions set to original music…very peaceful!
  • You may pre-order the Kindle version now, and the paperback version on September 7th! Our book is entertaining and informative with lessons about: patience and persistence, time, walking away, the sum of our parts, the little things, asking for help, focusing, seeking a different perspective, looking below the surface, and celebrating!
  • You’ll discover far more than 10 lessons in this relatable book!
  • You do NOT have to be a puzzler to enjoy our book!
  • Here’s the puzzle you see above: Coastal Escape
  • Please share with friends who enjoy self-help books and those who might benefit from some humor in this time of uncertainty!

Find my other work here!

Please subscribe to Alligator Preserves on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts, and tell your friends about it! I’d love it if you “liked” the episodes you listen to, and I’d love it even more if you’d post a quick comment!