A fascinating multi-genre Doctor of Philosophy writing about an old-time miners strike in Colorado!

Show Notes with Links:
- Molly tells us a little about herself.
- She answers the question, “How does someone with a PhD in Philosophy end up researching the 1896 mining strike by the Cloud City Miners Union (Local 33) in Colorado? That happened 126 years ago!”
- Why does she present this nonfiction event as fiction?
- Molly talks about some of the characters she created.
- The many surprises from her research.
- Research has taken her several places. She talks about those, and if she has found any ancestors of the miners.
- She is a Writer in Residence at Elsewhere Studios in Paonia, CO for the month of January 2022.
- Molly discusses how the pandemic has affected her work.
- Her book–“The Sleepers”–is almost finished!

- Molly is enrolled in a month-long agent and query intensive course in February.
- So many accolades! Which impresses her most? She mentions the Dark Mountain Project.
- Editorial services she provides.
- She’ll speak at the Lake County Public Library this weekend and will present to the Chaffee County Writers Exchange (CCWE) in April!
- Find Molly on Twitter @mksturdevant and on her website: https://www.mollysturdevant.com/writing

Laurel Stuff:

(Photo Credit: Elise Sunday)
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