Just a few more recommendations to convince you!
Advance Praise for Waterwight ~ ~ ~
“The abundance of weird characters, places, and dangers keeps the story moving, and McHargue’s imagined world is so fantastic and so vividly drawn that at times I felt breathless, either from anticipation or exhaustion, struggling just like the strange assortment of inhabitants amid all the rapid and unnerving changes. Like Celeste, I felt disoriented and on edge. As I recall, that’s exactly what being 14 felt like.” ~ Carol Stuckey, former book store owner
“This book captures the reader’s imagination!” ~ Marie Povey
“‘Awesome!’ ‘Creative!’ ‘Magnificent!’ These are direct quotes from my sons about the book Waterwight. Bedtimes pushed continually later, the boys would clamor for me to read more, forgetting all about their beloved cartoons; they wanted more Waterwight. And when we got to the end of the book and kept trying to turn the page when there was no more, the first thing they asked was ‘When will she write the next book?’” ~ Molly Monahan Howe, Chocolate Maker and Mom of Boys Daring Chocolate Company Facebook Page
“There were times I thought I had it all figured out, but as I continued to read, I saw that I didn’t. The creativity and unique details were amazing!” ~ Caitlyn Baird, age 18
“What. Are. You?” Waterwight, Laurel McHargue’s beautifully written and evocative apocalyptic fable, is the tale of a quest to find the answer to this question and to set the earth in balance. Waterwight, with magical landscapes, memorable characters, and many dark spots, will find enthusiastic readers among both teen and adult audiences. It will be especially appealing to readers who have enjoyed Arthurian legends, the Lord of the Rings trilogy, the Hunger Games series, and other literary legends of self-discovery and the unlikely heroes. McHargue’s Waterwight reinvents the quest with concerns for the earth and the environment that are relevant to the 21st century reader. It is a hero tale with so many of the classic elements of that genre. I am looking forward to adding Waterwight to my library collection so that I can promote it to our students and community members. Bravo!” ~ Christine Carlson Whittington, Library Director, Colorado Mountain College Timberline Campus