Author Interview Interview Podcast Writing

Jodi Bowersox, Award-Winning Author, Renaissance Woman!

Jodi Bowersox and her equally fun husband, Kevin, at the Georgetown Christmas Market
Jodi Bowersox also writes about Cats! Visit with us for this fun interview!
Audio-only podcast of our interview
Jodi writes children’s book under pen name J.B. Stockings

Show Notes with Links:

  • Jodi tells us why I call her a Renaissance woman.
  • Jodi defines her genre and talks about how her books differ from those traditionally found on bookstore shelves.
  • We discuss the many subgenres of romance. I ask what Jodi read as a younger person.
  • She tells us which authors inspired her.
  • We talk about the many love triangles in Mars Madness (and the funniest one involving a character named Minnie!)
  • There is a lot of situational humor within the suspense of these novels.
  • I ask about her thoughts on A.I., and will we be seeing crates of Minnies on COSTO shelves.
  • I ask about gene splicing of horses in the novel.
  • Many wonderful characters! The BFF–Clarinda–who tells it like she sees it, the precocious youngster Frankie, Blaze and Doug and Alexandro and Ariel…
  • Jodi’s husband publishes too, and she tells us what it’s like having two published authors in the same household.
Another series! Time Agents


Laurel Stuff:

Jodi believes in breaking writing rules! I believe in NOT breaking my noggin!

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By author

Laurel lives and laughs and publishes and podcasts in Colorado's Rocky Mountains! She has published several multi-genre books and hosts the podcast "Alligator Preserves," where she interviews fascinating people, talks about the human condition, and shares scary stories from her "Dark Ebb" collection.

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