Wesley Sandoval broke the record for the Leadman Race in 2016. Find out why he signed up for this epic ultra-endurance high-altitude race series and how he convinced himself to go for the record.
Also find out what it’s like to compete with a brother! Wesley’s race experience has truly been a family affair.
Listen here:

Show Notes with Links:
- Why does Wesley race?
- Leadville Race Series
- Pros and Cons of living in Leadville and training
- First attempt at LT100 Run was 2012 after pacing brother Marvin in 2011
- Past athletic experience (not much running!)
- Is there sibling rivalry with brother?
- 2013 first Leadman, DNF because of shin splints mile 60
- How a racing coach helps and shout-out to Cameron Chambers
- 2014 “double BIG buckled,” PRed in 2015, 2016 made personal commitment to keep going, and broke the Leadman record!
- Goals for this year
- Pacers: shout-outs to Jamie and Amy Peters and Pat Kade (sp?)
- Most memorable race was the run in 2016 in which he beat two-time Olympic athlete Michael Aish
- Shout-out to son Tyrell and whole family
- Aid Station procedures
- Running through the night and hallucinations
- What he does when he’s not racing (four children!)
- Vertical runners Shout-out for shoe sponsor
- Wesley’s tips to new racers for running and biking
- Shout-out to sponsor Cycles of Life Bicycles
- GU energy
- Be prepared for extreme weather conditions and flat tires (Have enough CO2 canisters)
- How racing has changed his life
More Links:
- Lake County Public Library (thanks for the recording space!)
- Laurel’s Amazon Author page
- https://leadvillelaurel.com/writing-tips/
- https://www.facebook.com/LeadvilleLaurel/
- https://twitter.com/LeadvilleLaurel
- Intro/outro voice by Nick McHargue,
Podcast music from Jamendo Royalty Free Music
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