Fun lessons about life in an age of pandemic

Show Notes with Links:
- Mark Lumb, creator of the Jigsaw Chill Zone Facebook page and YouTube channel, interviewed Nadine and me about our entertaining new book Peace by Piece: 10 Lessons from a Jigsaw Puzzle! Please follow Mark and share his links with anyone you know who enjoys puzzling. Mark’s YouTube channel showcases time-lapse photography of puzzle completions set to original music…very peaceful!
- You may pre-order the Kindle version now, and the paperback version on September 7th! Our book is entertaining and informative with lessons about: patience and persistence, time, walking away, the sum of our parts, the little things, asking for help, focusing, seeking a different perspective, looking below the surface, and celebrating!
- You’ll discover far more than 10 lessons in this relatable book!
- You do NOT have to be a puzzler to enjoy our book!
- Here’s the puzzle you see above: Coastal Escape
- Please share with friends who enjoy self-help books and those who might benefit from some humor in this time of uncertainty!

Find my other work here!
- Laurel’s Amazon Author page
- (my podcast)
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