
Horseshoe Sunday

[a brief note from a tired boy who appreciates getting a dollar in the mail!]

May 6, 1943, Sunday

Dear Mom, Dad, Sis & Jake

Sunday is here along with a very hot day. Here is my schedule for the day’s doings.

8:15-Arise, 8:30-9:30-Church

9:30-12:00-pitching horshoes (sic)

12:00-1:00-lunch, 1-3:30-nap

3:30-5:00-horse-shoes, 5:00-6:00-supper

6:00-7:00-now writing this letter,

7:00-? going to the show.

This program is my typical one for Sundays.

Today I received your letter with the dollar and the license, which I am enclosing. I got quite a burn today while playing horse-shoes. It doesn’t seem to be too warm here but it really is.

Bob Mac was quite lucky to get to Monmouth. Some guys get all the breaks, but good luck to him. I also got a card from Tim from Devens. I could scarecely read it. If you get his address, send it on. … The candy you sent me was swell. I’ll try to write tomorrow.  Good Bye, Moe.

By author

Laurel lives and laughs and publishes and podcasts in Colorado's Rocky Mountains! She has published several multi-genre books and hosts the podcast "Alligator Preserves," where she interviews fascinating people, talks about the human condition, and shares scary stories from her "Dark Ebb" collection.

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