
“…a swell bunch”

Laurel’s input: [The airmail stamp on this letter cost 6¢.]

March 22, 1943

Dear Folks,

I received three letters today. One from Mom, with the Income Tax returns, one from Kay, and one from Mr. & Mrs. LeBlanc. Boy I sure get a thrill when I read these letters. The more that comes the better. It’s funny, no mail for almost a month and then get seven letters I three days. Aunt Mart sent me a card yesterday and I returned her a letter. I also wrote to you, the A.T.&T, and Anna. Boy! That’s something for me, to write four letters in one day. I don’t think I wrote four letters in the time I was in high school. I’m returning to you the tax blanks and would you please bring them I as soon as possible.

About three hundred of the new boys arrived in the last couple of days, most of them from California. They are sure a swell bunch and I think we’ll have a super outfit when we’re trained.

In your next letter let me know how the Bruins are making out in the hockey race. I can’t seem to get any news of them in these newspapers. Be sure to tell Gus, Carmie and John to bring about ten coat hangers with them when they leave as they can’t get them in camp for love or money. I ought to receive a package from you tomorrow or so.

I was glad to hear from Kay. She seems to get all the news and sends it the right way. Thanks a lot Sis for Walter’s address. I’ll write him tonite or tomorrow. Paul must be plenty thrilled to be flying. I hope he has the best of luck. Good night and Love, Murray.


By author

Laurel lives and laughs and publishes and podcasts in Colorado's Rocky Mountains! She has published several multi-genre books and hosts the podcast "Alligator Preserves," where she interviews fascinating people, talks about the human condition, and shares scary stories from her "Dark Ebb" collection.

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