Do you have what it takes to complete a 100-mile foot race through the Rocky Mountains? Ken Chlouber, founder of the Leadville Trail Race Series, believes in you–but you must make a commitment to yourself.
In the first episode of this special Alligator Preserves series, Laurel visits with Ken and learns what’s special about Leadville and this unusual race series.
Show Notes with Links:

- Ken Chlouber, founder of the Leadville Trail Race Series, talks about his background as an underground shift boss at Climax Molybdenum Mine
- Denver Post article by Steve Lipsher: How the Leadville 100 saved a town and created a community
- “The Code of the West” and the cowboy way
- 1982 Climax Mine shuts down
- Burro racing with Curtis Imrie, Christopher McDougall, and Laurel’s husband
- Laurel’s story Everybody Loves a Donkey Tale (with photos, published in Colorado Central Magazine Jan 2006) about the burro race her husband participated in with Chlouber, Imrie, and McDougall
- Merilee Maupin becomes Race Director (first volunteer!)
- Ken throws his quacking phone out the door!
- Other Ultra races
- How the race has grown over the years, LT100 bike race added
- Leadman/Leadwoman and Lifetime
- Rockport Shoe Company offered mountain bike race idea
- Ken credits his desire to “be somebody” as a child, and his father’s work ethic, with why he’s now the poster boy for grit and not quitting–in racing and in life
- Life Time Fitness purchases the race series, and how Ken and Merileecame back to be “The Face of the Race” series
Ken Chlouber, 70-year-old climber of high peaks: Aconcagua (mountainflyer magazine #13) - Ken’s focus is on Leadville being served
- Ken talks about motivation: “Motivation stinks”
- What will you do at that deciding moment when you want to quit?
- Does Ken fear anything?
- Bull riding at age 60!
- Most challenging physical experience: Ken summits Aconcagua, highest mountain in the Americas at 22,842 feet, at age 70
- Legacy Foundation benefits the people of Leadville
- Graduating from high school opens doors to opportunity
- Ken’s hero: Carl Miller
- What’s next for Ken
I found Ken this past summer outside Treeline Kitchen restaurant on Harrison Ave (Leadville’s “Main Street”)! Other Links:
- CIPA EVVY Awards info
- Volunteer to judge this year’s EVVY Awards submissions
- Laurel’s Amazon Author page
- https://leadvillelaurel.com/writing-tips/
- https://www.facebook.com/LeadvilleLaurel/
- https://twitter.com/LeadvilleLaurel
- Intro/outro voice by Nick McHargue,
Podcast music from Jamendo Royalty Free Music
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