In an effort to “complete” a piece of creative writing before the start of 2012, I tackled the classic Christmas poem and used it as a template for my own family version. It was more difficult than I had anticipated! (hope you enjoy it)

‘Twas the night before Christmas at the Lead Ass Inn
Not a soul had forgotten their faraway kin;
The stockings were hung on the bookshelf this year,
To help the Red Room appear far less austere;
The children were working on muscles with Dad,
Vacation from college had made them both glad;
So Mike in the gym, and I in the kitchen,
Had just figured out how to minimize bitchin’;
When out in the yard there arose such a noise,
I left my potatoes in fear for my boys.
Away to the entry I ran like a mouse,
Tore open the first door and tripped over Klaus.
The moon on the icicles hanging above
Cast a glimmer from heaven which sparkled like love,
When, what to my curious eyes should appear,
But husband and sons in their gym-sweaty gear,
With a look in their eyes, so hungry and tired,
I knew that I had what their muscles required.
More rapid than ravenous donkeys they came,
And I welcomed them home, and called them by name;
“Now, Nicholas! Jacob! Now, Charlie* and Mike!
Come to the kitchen, I’ve something you’ll like!
To the warmth of the kitchen! To the nicely set table!
Now come on in! Sit right down! Show me you’re able!”
As laborers that before royalty know,
When invited to dine with them, and plan to go,
First up to the showers like eagles they flew,
With towels, deodorant, hair products, too.
And then, with much giggling, I heard from the rooms
The descent of feet on stairs, sounding like booms.
As I waited for them, and expected them soon,
To the kitchen they came with a Christmas Day tune.
They were dressed in Melanzana**, from their heads to their feet,
And their urgency said it was past time to eat;
Computers and iphones they’re never without,
And they looked like mad scientists abolishing doubt.
Their eyes—how they twinkled! Their faces how cheerful!
I knew over dinner we’d all get an earful!
Their brains were both filled with “the latest” they’d learned,
And with happiness shared all the knowledge they’d earned;
The “interwebs” demonstrate “knowledge is power,”
And provide a week’s worth of “stuff” in an hour;
The boys shared new songs and cute memes and fun sites,
We listened and questioned and laughed between bites.
They were happy to share with their parents their world,
And we laughed as our past became truly unfurled;
A wink in their eyes and a shared chuckle, too,
Soon let us know that our brains would grow new;
They spoke with gusto, but were quick to explain,
And never let on that our questions were lame,
And after our dinner when bellies were full,
And one to the other, to the stairs did they pull;
They sprang to their rooms, after smiles and warm hugs,
And away they both crept into bed like good thugs.
But we heard them exclaim, ere they fell from our sight,
“Merry Christmas to all, may your futures be bright.”
* Our "guest" cat, who spends more time at our home than his own
** Leadville's own made-in-store outdoor clothing shop