Show Notes with Links:
- Who is Mark Shaiken today?
- I ask about his debut as a storyteller and give him 3 floors to present his elevator pitch.
- After 41 years of commercial bankruptcy law, does he wish he’d left the practice sooner?
- Fresh Start, Automatic Stay, and Unfair Discrimination…you don’t need to read them in order to understand the characters.
- Many things to learn in his books! Vigenère cipher, IoT . . .
- Unique POVs…first person antagonist/villain interspersed…we talk about how hard Clark’s chapters are to read. We discuss redeeming qualities in villains.

- Did he ever have a client as horrible as Clark?
- I ask if he had any cultural appropriation fallout from his series.
- He tells us he’s not a very controversial person!
- He talks about his greatest challenge as a writer.
- He gave up the suit and tie…I ask what he wears when he’s writing.
- No spider bite…which superhero would he choose to be?
- Music plays a big role in his books, and I ask why?
- We talk about his stunning photography and any disasters he experienced as a sports photographer.

- Lightning round: Jazz or rock and roll / oceans or lakes / Law and Order or Perry Mason / bagels or donuts ) listen for his answers!
- His past interests: Baseball, basketball, guitar.
- His past jobs before becoming a lawyer: road line painter, septic tank troubleshooter, forklift operator.
- I ask what he wants to be when he grows up.
- Shout-outs and ADVICE to writers!
- Colorado Independent Publishers Association (CIPA)
- https://www.markshaikenphoto.com/
Song links:
“Don’t Ever Change” referenced in Unfair Discrimination as Pascale sits at the foot of his bed: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/markshaikenauthor_dont-ever-change-videomp4-activity-6996135032658546688-vACn?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
“Blue Sky Afternoon” referenced in Automatic Stay https://www.linkedin.com/posts/markshaikenauthor_in-automatic-stay-pascale-reveals-his-activity-6939643694698434560-IC37?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
More Links:
author webpage: markshaikenauthor.com
photo webpage: markshaikenphoto.com
my photoezine: disophoto.com
Unfair just came out on Audio: https://tinyurl.com/3uumwa6
my YouTube channel (with the book trailers) : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzF_ckLjjtJga8r1EeEMe7A
Laurel Stuff:

Find my other work here!
- Laurel’s Amazon Author page
- https://leadvillelaurel.com/writing-tips/
- https://www.facebook.com/LeadvilleLaurel/
- My YouTube Channel
- https://soundcloud.com/laurelmchargue (my podcast)
- @laurelstuff (my TikTok)
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