
Love that Western Music!

April 14, 1943, Wednesday

Dear Folks,

Yesterday I received the carton of matches and they certainly came at the right time. The P.X. is all out of them and I had to keep asking someone for a light. Today I got four letters, an old one from Mom, a new one from the same, one from Fr. Hagan, and the last from Eddie Harrington, my chum at the Co.

Well I went to confession last Saturday and went up to our church Sunday morning to the 8:30 mass. I got there kind of early and was asked if I’d ever served before. I told the fellow I hadn’t for four years but that I’d give it a try. Everything went fine and I was the only one that received Holy Communion. [He was probably the only “good boy” in the whole gang!]

Monday we went out for a hike with full pack and as Carmie has probably told you we had quite an experience. Yesterday I wrote to John Buckley as he wrote me two letters already.

We’re supposed to finish our infantry basic this week and start our specialized basic next week. We haven’t got our marks yet but I saw a list of the colleges that some of us will go to. One of them was M.I.T. That would be pretty nice if I could go there.

I sure would like to be home to see Paul, for I bet he’s quite handsome in his navy uniform. Tell him to drop me a line while he’s home. I’d like to hear from him. Talking about the radio, one of the fellows in the barracks has one so we hear the news and music of the day. At home I used to get tired hearing “George and Dixie” sing cowboy songs. Now when we get tired of hearing one cowboy song, we just turn the dial and get our choice of a half a dozen more. This sure is a swell state for western music lovers. [sarcasm at its best!]

I’m glad Bob Mac got his letter. I was afraid it wouldn’t get to him in time; but I see he got a ten day furlough. More luck to him! I’m waiting anxiously for the miniature, but I didn’t receive the book that you said Sade sent. Hope Dad gets his Sundays off. He needs the rest and it will give the family a chance to see more of him. Good old Dad, I’d sure like to see him myself. I don’t want you to freeze your face Mom, for I still consider and always will consider you to be a very beautiful woman. No one can beat you.

As long as the Blacks keep having babies [say WHAT?], I guess you’ll always have a job on your hands. Give my love to Mrs. Black [OH! Okay] and tell her I may meet up with some of her sons some day. I haven’t seen Chick Mac Sweeney yet but I will sooner or later. Haven’t been paid yet but expect to soon. I’m glad I brought as much money with me as I did for I’m just about broke now.

I guess that’s about all for now except that I love and miss you all.  Murray. P.F.D.

p.s. P.F.D. means Private for Duration   [such a card, that Dad o’ mine!]

By author

Laurel lives and laughs and publishes and podcasts in Colorado's Rocky Mountains! She has published several multi-genre books and hosts the podcast "Alligator Preserves," where she interviews fascinating people, talks about the human condition, and shares scary stories from her "Dark Ebb" collection.

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