
Happy Birthday to . . .

meWe do birthday celebrations all wrong. Instead of paying tribute to the birthday girl or boy, the praise should go to the parents. They gift us with life, and for those of us fortunate enough to have had parents who love(d) us, they give us their strength and guidance and an occasional firm nudge in the right direction. They’re our first, and in my case best role models.

And they (mostly) tolerate us.

But for today—which marks my 57th year on this great planet—I will gratefully accept the praise and well-wishes and congratulations for surviving another year. I’ll openly enjoy our trip to the hot springs followed by sushi later this evening. Thank you all. And I especially thank my Mum.

By author

Laurel lives and laughs and publishes and podcasts in Colorado's Rocky Mountains! She has published several multi-genre books and hosts the podcast "Alligator Preserves," where she interviews fascinating people, talks about the human condition, and shares scary stories from her "Dark Ebb" collection.

4 replies on “Happy Birthday to . . .”

I’m already enjoy reading about the meaning of birthday . Very true we need to thank our parents . Pls keep up the great writing ! Add me to ur newsletter too Mahalo

I shall! Thanks for visiting, Peter. I just added links to the two newsletters I’ve already published on my “About Leadville” page (from the menu bar). Be safe!

I’ve always said we should celebrate the mom, but I suppose the parents is more appropriate. Happy belated birthday. Love your positive attitude! I’d love to be added to your mailing list. I’m still sorting out how to do that whole craziness. I’ve got a mail chimp account loaded with addresses and yet to find the time/courage/plan to do anything with it!

Hi Cara!

Thanks for visiting and commenting. I’m tickled that you like my style, and because you took time to share your thoughts with me, I just pre-ordered a Kindle copy of Girls’ Weekend!

Yes, MailChimp, like any other application, can be intimidating, but I’m working on my 3rd Newsletter so far! I bit the bullet in December and figured out enough to create a launch a “campaign,” but I know there’s still a lot I haven’t yet figured out. All part of continuing to build my “author platform,” something you’ve already done quite well.

I’m almost ready to hit the “publish” button on my next novel…Waterwight…and will do so on February 29th (because that’s just a cool day). I’ve had the most fun ever writing this fantasy adventure, and now I need to think of a sequel!

Thanks again for stopping by. I just “liked” your facebook page. I have one also, and a Leadville Laurel page. Perhaps we’ll meet at a conference some day!

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