Hey, story lovers! Did you know that Alligator Preserves is a one-person operation?

Every week I think of ways to inform and entertain my listeners, seeking out fascinating people and writing pieces to share with the world. Each finished episode takes many long hours to produce, and I do this because like you, my listeners, I enjoy stories told well.
With the support of patrons, I can continue to provide stimulating weekly content free of charge to many who are unable to pay, and I can keep up with the latest equipment to provide you with an enjoyable listening experience.
I’ve already started to travel to capture stories on-location, and that costs time and money. A girl’s got to eat, you know, and even if you could cover the cost of one coffee (and maybe a brownie?) each month, your support would help keep me on the road!
It’s easy to become a patron at this Patreon link. For only $1/month you’ll get four ad-free episodes of my show, and at higher levels you’ll get extra episodes, including premiere readings of a new short story I’ll create each month . . . and more.
If you are already a patron, thank you for your continued support, and please encourage your friends to join you as an Alligator Preserves Patron of the Arts! I just might have a future episode with your name in the title!
Support an Army veteran! Simply click on the Become a Patron button to help support my labor of love.
~ Laurel