from my Public Speaking and Podcasting Events
“Laurel McHargue is the reason I’m writing! After I hinted at an interest in the written word, she hooked me up with the Central Colorado Writers, educated me with her brilliant workshops, helped hone my craft through a critique group, and guided me to publication. I recommend her teaching, writing, and coaching skills to writers at any level.”—Cam Torrens, award-winning author of the Tyler Zahn suspense thriller series.

“Laurel McHargue’s workshop “A Novel Novel” is the best writers’ workshop I’ve ever attended! With pieces and parts of my WIP sitting in a drawer at home, I embarked on this journey to try to figure out how to assemble them in the right order and learned much, much more at this workshop! Among the many things I gained from taking this class – I now have the perfect opening and closing lines for all of my chapters, a professional, orderly flow for my novel, and my word-count goal in place. As a bonus, I was so inspired by Laurel’s presentation that my novel’s ending, which has been eluding me for the past two years, came to me like a bolt out of the blue! Ta-da! Impressive, as always, Laurel presents a plethora of information with style, grace, and her “always-on” sense of humor. She is truly a writer’s inspiration! If you’re writing or even thinking about writing a novel or novella, this is the one workshop you need to sign up for!” – Jennifer Sweete, Author and President, CCWE
“Everyone I know who has listened to the interview agrees with Barbara and me that you are such a gracious, skilled, prepared, insightful interviewer! We so appreciate having had the opportunity to be on your podcast.” – Author Susan Gluck, From Zero to Hero
“We owe it to you for being such a calm, competent interviewer!” – Illustrator Barbara McGould, From Zero to Hero

“I thought your workshop was impressive. Your topics were well researched and gave great examples to help participants more clearly understand concepts. Also, you delivered on our expectations as all topics were covered in a way that we were able to put them to use (i.e., not just sitting in a classroom and hearing about your experiences). Well done! Your energy about writing and the publication process is infectious. I heard a number of people saying your class was just what they needed to energize their projects. I particularly enjoyed the section on characters. I used that time to consider one of my ‘second-tier’ characters from my new upcoming trilogy. The exercises helped me to think more broadly about why he is in the story and what role he should play.” – Author Linda Ditchkus
“In her workshops, Laurel McHargue, a talented writer-editor, provides needed, down-to-earth information about how a writer can take basic ideas to the next level to create a novel novel. Her engaging personality keeps her audience eager to learn more, and she delivers. ” – Vaughn Neeld, Freelance Writer-Editor, Former Supervisory Editor of “Military Review“

“Laurel is a vibrant and knowledgeable presenter. I would recommend her Novel Writing Workshop for all fiction writers, regardless of experience. I came home energized and ready to plug in writing exercises from the class into my current work in progress. Thanks, Laurel, for a fun and information-filled presentation.”
– Award-Winning Author Nancy Oswald
“In February of 2020 I was about half finished with the first draft of a novel I had been working on for three months. I enrolled in Laurel’s “The Novel Novel” one-day workshop, hoping to benefit from insight and tips she might have to offer. As it turned out, that was the best decision I could have made. Many of her pointers seemed aimed directly at deficiencies in my manuscript requiring my immediate attention. For example, while writing the novel in first person perspective, I had various characters come into view and fade out, with no effort at character development at all! I also failed to give adequate attention to one of my antagonists. In the two days following the workshop I added five new chapters at strategic places to address this deficiency. As for the workshop itself, Laurel kept things moving like clockwork, while giving us short writing exercise to help cement in our minds the concepts she presented. She is a lively and entertaining presenter, and takes time to listen to the participants, occasionally adding helpful tips and directions to useful resources. I definitely recommend her workshop to anyone serious about writing a novel.” – Dr. Dan Bishop, Author
“Laurel McHargue’s Novel Novel workshop is a blast! It is full of useful information that every writer wants to know but has no idea who to ask. It was great to hear it from someone who has been there and successfully done it. I have already implemented some of her tips and now have a better idea of where I am headed with this crazy idea of publishing a book. I highly, highly recommend writers attend this workshop before you set out on the publishing path.”
– Robin Hall

“What a treat to have had you speak at our Delta Kappa Gamma meeting on May 12, 2018. You had our members mesmerized by your power point presentation for over an hour. We were a very captivate audience and I could tell you loved telling your story. Your enthusiasm was contagious . . .” – Karen Eilenstine, Delta Kappa Gamma Omega State Alpha lota Chapter