What a treat is was to visit with and learn from David L. Robbins on January 10, 2023! Here’s a link to our visit on YouTube:
Show Notes and Links:
- David tells us what he’d like us to know about him after I suggest every aspiring and accomplished writer should read Isaac’s Beacon to learn writing craft.
- He discusses the importance of writing as an art form.
- He gives us the “elevator pitch” for Isaac’s Beacon (I give him 5 floors!)
- I ask him why he wrote this book, the first in what will be a 5-book series called “The Promised Wars.” (The Shortest Road will be released on May 2, 2023, available for pre-order now)
- He talks about what it was like to be raised by two WWII Veterans, and how his father and mother ended up together (a fascinating story!)
- David reads Chapter 1 of “Isaac’s Beacon” and we discuss dialogue, subtext, Absolute Truth and Profound Truth.
- We talk about character development and the limited use of interiority (because we both agree it cheats the reader!)

- We talk about censorship and swearing and his decision to stop swearing.
- I ask the same question his character Mrs. Pappel asks about being “too brave,” and David answers.
- He talks about “Terror Management Theory” and The Worm at the Core.
- He discusses his views about marketing and I talk about purchasing his book.
- Does he unwind? Listen to his answer!

- David is involved in giving back to his community and has helped to establish the following organizations: Podium RVA, James River Writers, Mighty Pen Project, and First Responses.
- He talks about a fun mixed genre project he’s working on now and gives a couple of shout-outs.
- Find all of David’s books HERE
- Follow him on his website at davidlrobbinsauthor.com
Laurel Stuff:

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- Laurel’s Amazon Author page
- https://leadvillelaurel.com/writing-tips/
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- @laurelstuff (my TikTok)
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