I’m trying to let go.
After finishing Ken McLeod’s Reflections on Silver River (look it up!), I find myself looking around my home for things to give away. Since our German Shepherd, Ranger, is fairly new to our household, he’s safe, but I suddenly feel overwhelmed by all the “stuff” in my life, both physical and emotional.
And so I’m working on letting go, a challenge that is extraordinarily difficult when it comes to some of my emotional baggage which requires sitting on to close. This physical stuff, too, will be a challenge because I can always justify why I might “need” something someday.
One suggestion in McLeod’s book it to give away one physical thing to one person every day with no expectation of anything in return. Ouch.
I’ve loved looking at the elegant bone China teacups Mom gave me as they’ve gathered dust in my corner cabinet for years. Three little cups–green, blue, and yellow–my favorite colors. My first giveaways.

I invite two friends for a tea party. Tea for three is lovely, though the small cups require multiple fillings throughout our visit. I wonder if anyone ever consumed just one cup from these little lovelies during a social gathering.
I text my baby sister and asked which color I should send to each of the women who will marry her three sons, and I feel good about this letting go. Time to let someone else enjoy these gifts, and three new family members will have something to share, or give away, in the coming years.
I remove two hand fans which have served as backdrops to my pretty teacups for just as many years and give them to my friends as they head out into the cold. Smiles and hugs.
My corner cabinet looks lighter now, and I have three fewer things to worry about. For today, I have let go just a little. I think it might make tomorrow’s letting go just a little easier.