Total Tweak!

Day 2
September 7, 2011

I could barely get out of bed this morning (but I’ll continue to blame the rain). I was so excited about learning everything I could about blogs last night that even after I finally got to bed (midnight’ish), I couldn’t sleep.

After revising my initial daily schedule based on my self-discovery yesterday, today should look like this:

06:30-07:30 Rise, coffee, prep for exercise, news
07:30-08:30 House chores, bills, laundry, food shopping, etc.
08:30-09:30 Exercise
09:30-10:30 Shower/breakfast
10:30-13:30 Write
13:30-14:30 Lunch, walk
14:30-15:30 Learn (Spanish, reading, study something)
15:30-16:30 Music (piano, flute) or Art (draw, sculpt)
16:30-17:30 Exercise
17:30-  Free time (i.e., dinner/facebook/TV/lounge!)

Of course this has been tweaked already since my computer wants to keep shutting down on me, so my “chores” time (contacting the computer company for a solution) is now infringing on my exercise time, and I’m hungry. I also have to prep for both an overnight/out-of-town visitor and an afternoon writer’s group meeting at the high school. Looks like a major tweak day.

Wow. It’s 10:44 p.m. and I have spent the majority of my day researching and then purchasing my “platform” hosting agent (, uploading the blogging  application, and trying to get it set up. I now “own” the site, for what it’s worth!

Today’s tidbits:
1. BE The Little Engine that Could
2. Be okay with saying, “Screw today’s schedule to the wall!”
3. Maintain enthusiasm for tomorrow!

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